My kids and I went to McDonalds today. I told them we could go there for a special treat. Little did I know that I would be having a trip from hell.
We walk in the door and immediately Bella starts screaming at the top.of.her.lungs. Blood curdling screams. Why? Because a fly flew by. In case you don’t remember, she just recently got stung by a bee in her ear, so the fear is very real and the memories are very fresh still. I get her to calm down and we order our food and sit down. Now here I thought this was going to be a great trip because some how I managed to convince my kids that it is much better to sit outside of the play area than in that noisy hell hole.
Boy was I wrong. My son announces, very loudly, that he has to go to the bathroom. Before I can stop him, he darts into the mens room. There were other men in there. One of which, who looked very creepy. I couldn’t leave my little boy who talks to everyone, in there. So I open the door, announce “you better cover up what you don’t want seen” and march in, grab my sons hand and drag him in the women’s bathroom. I was humiliated.
If that wasn’t enough, a lady came out to clean the tables and my son lets her know that we were not finished. As if the food, napkins, sweet ‘n’ sour sauce, etc all over the table wasn’t enough for her to get it, but whatever. The lady responds with “I ain’t gonna wipe your table hun”. I cringe when I hear the word ain’t, but no biggie. Or so I thought. Zachary looks at her and says, without missing a beat “ain’t is not a word. You really should speak properly”. Yep. My son just corrected the 40 something year old woman cleaning tables at McDonalds. While I was proud of him for knowing and wanting to use proper English, I let him know that you do not correct adults like that. Do you think Zachary could leave it at that? Oh no. The next words out of his mouth are “well someone should”.
So ladies and gentlemen…when you think a quick little trip to McDonalds will be uneventful…think again.
We had to have a nice conversation about correcting adults too. Mo calls our neighbor out every time he lets a swear word slip. It’s funny and he loves it but I still am trying to foster respect too. At least she calls him “Mr.” “We don’t say THOSE words Mr. R!”
What a trip~ Being a mom is hard work sometimes!!!! I think you need some “kool-aid” and lots of it after that ride to Mickey D’s!
Oh most definitely lol
I can’t help it, I’m laughing outloud at what your son said 🙂
LOL – omg – you really do have your hands full over there, don’t you?
I am still crackin’ up over here! 🙂
Oh what kids say…. I know how you feel with the mens bathroom with 3 boys it is hard for me when DH is not there.
Wow that was eventful. I think kids and McDonalds always equal fun times lol. I applaud your son on knowing proper English. So are you going to hit the drive thru next time?
Heck yea it’s going to be the drive thru!
Oh wow you had a bad trip there as well. Check my post out and see about my trip UGH..