It’s only 2pm and here are some of the questions that I have been asked today:
“Mommy, is my peeper gonna get a boo-boo like Cody’s?”
“Mommy, can Cody take a shower with me?”
“Mommy, why does Cody lick his peeper?”
All of these questions (and some more) came from my 4 year old. I don’t know why he thinks boys will turn into girls or where he would even come up with a question like that, but whatever. He is very amazed with Cody being able to lick himself. Yes son, I think most men are amazed and wished they had that talent!
I swear, I really need to write a book of all the questions my son asks. He has really come up with some good ones at times…usually they are embarrassing type questions that he asks at the most inopportune times! But that’s par for the course.
Cody is a DOG right?! Just checkin’. LOL
LMAO! Yes he’s a dog!!!
Oh, ha ha! Those are great! you have an award waiting for you!
Haha! It must be an inborn trait that boys are so interested in penis. I swear they are all obsessed with it, my son included!