We had the best day! Not only was today a major sugar high day, but Dan took the day off work so he could go to Zachary’s Halloween party at school. That meant a lot to Zachary to have his daddy there to see his school and participate. Not only did he have his daddy, but Sitta came dressed from head to toe as a witch with purple hair. I didn’t even recognize her at first!
Later that day, our very good friends Jon and Tirzah came over with their boys to go trick or treating and that was a BLAST. Tirzah and I spent the evening sitting on the porch gossiping and catching up while we sent all four kids with the husbands…once of which was dressed up as a whoopie cushion (yes that was my husband and you better believe, I will be posting a picture)! Cody was even dressed up (if you don’t know who Cody is…he’s my new puppy)!
Today was such a fun day! Too bad poor Zachary has to wake up tomorrow to be taken to the doctors to get his flu shot.
Here are some shots from the evening:
YAY!! So glad to hear you had a good day!!! I hope today is a good day for you as well.
P.S. The monkey’s are holding an award for you, come and get it!
Those were some good costumes. Found you at MomDot.com