It has been a few months since I’ve had the procedure and I have had several people asking me to update how things have been since having the procedure. Probably the best thing that has happened since having the procedure is the fact that I have not had a period at all. However, I do get back pain, cramping, etc still around the same time I would normally get a period. And it is getting worse and worse each month. I haven’t called my doctor because I figured I would give it at least 6 months.
However, calling him really won’t do me any good. My only option now is a hysterectomy. But with all that being said, I am still glad I had the procedure done. Things are MUCH better than they were before I had the procedure.
If you are thinking about having this procedure done, really think about it and do your research to make sure it is the right procedure for you.
What about weight gain?
I have read that some women do experience pain after the procedure. While that does give me some hesitation (I'm scheduled for the procedure a month from today), personally I can deal with pain better than the excessive bleeding. I'm still researching, but my mind is made up to proceed.
Since I haven't seen any further updates from you regarding Novasure (although admittedly my Google-fu is quite weak), I'm hoping that means that things have improved?
I was actually going to post an update!
Things are great. I don't have ANY heavy bleeding at all. 🙂
Great to hear! 🙂