I just got back from probably the worst experience I have ever had. I went to a wedding with Dan for a nice guy he works with. The wedding itself was fine…but we walk into the reception and it was a seat yourself wherever you want type of thing and this woman who apparently NO ONE at work likes, sat next to me. She proceeded to talk and talk and talk for 3 straight hours and everything was “oh so wonderful” and I honestly don’t know how her face doesn’t hurt from her constant smiling.
Now I am all for happy people, but my goodness. The Devil himself could rise out of the ground and she would be right there telling him how happy she is to see him. She was THAT happy. I kept looking at my husband and whispering (very quietly…she never detected) that “he freaking owed me”.
She kept asking me if I was amazed by my children’s brain and how wonderful it is to watch kids grow and develop. While I do think it is amazing, I felt like saying “lady, right now I think it would be amazing and wonderful to not watch my children eat their boogers”.
hahahaha isn’t it lovely to come across one of those types!
Ack! I think I would have left that wedding drunk! LOL
I would have gotten drunk if there was any alcohol. It was just beer and wine which I hate both 🙁 I almost told dan to go to the store and get me a pint of something LMAO
lol oh yes.. to not have to watch our children eat their boogers would truly be a miracle! Childless people can be hilarious!