Christmas is right around the corner and with Christmas, there’s Santa Claus. I don’t know if your children are anything like my son, but I am getting questions galore about Santa Claus.
How does he make it to ALL the houses in one night?
How does he go down the chimney?
What if there is a fire?
And on and on and on. So this is how I’ve been answering the above 3 questions…
- “Different parts of the country and the world have different times. So if it is 5 here it could be 3 there and so on”. Yea, he’s four…he didn’t get that. So then I said “you know how it is 5 mins to 12 for the entire movie in Polar Express?”…he says yea…”well thats how Santa does it”. So he says “oh so time stops. Ok that’s pretty cool!!!”. Yep I really just let my son believe time stops.
- Magic allows Santa to go down the chimney.
- Santa has a little pouch of magic purple dust. He sprinkles it down every chimney and then a little on himself. The magic dust puts the fire out and it makes santa super skinny so he can fit in the chimney. Don’t I wish I had some magic skinny dust!
Now this is a new one…I was at Walmart and I overheard a kid talking to his father…
“Dad, does Santa really make ALL the toys?”
“In the olden days son, yes Santa did. But not with the way the economy is, it is better for Santa to purchase the toys to help boost the local economies”
“So what do the elves do?”
“The elves have a top secret catagorization process that they do to make sure that everything is organized for the big night”
Yea me thinks he went a tad far with that one!
So what do you say to your kids? Do you try to keep the magic alive for them or do you tell them the truth if they guess, or do you just not do Santa at all? Leave me a comment telling me what you do with your kids in regards to Santa.
Mine are 7 and 4. We’ve watched “The Santa Clause” a billion times. So that’s how it works. 🙂
My girls know that the Santas in the malls are helpers, and will always give Santa the message (because, well, they think Tim Allen is Santa).
We’re big believers in magic, so I have a feeling that Santa will be around for a long time.
I love what the Wal-Mart daddy said! lol Too funny!
My daughter asks questions and all I have to say is “magic”! That’s it! I really hope as she gets bigger the questions get tougher or I’m gonna start worrying that she’ll be gulable for the rest of her life! lol
Being a former physics major, I have a physics geek thing about Santa somewhere that I read to my son once about how he gets to all the houses in one night. I think it left him so puzzled, he just doesn’t ask anymore. He did ask about the toys, and we told him there are just some things Santa needs to outsource like the video game stuff because there are more kids in the world now than there used to be. At 7, he’s starting to get skeptical. When the time comes and the jig is up, we’ll let him in on being Santa for his younger brother.
I like the first comment tell them the chimney appears like in the santa clause. I definitely want to keep the magic alive as long as i can
I had a comment all typed out and my internet provider is getting on my nerves!! too slow!!
At 3years old he’s not asking to many questions. He thinks Popa is Santa b.c popa dresses up like santa for the photo opt.
He’s asked me where does santa live, I tell him the north pole and he says on the other side of the train tracks YEP… LOL if you watch polar express the part where they can see the city, on the other side of the tracks… is where I think he gets that from.
We do Santa gifts, but don’t tell the kids that he’s magical or anything like that. They know the gifts come from us.
We have tried hard to get away from Santa and focus more on Jesus and celebrating his birth.