My son and I had “Date Day” today. We went Christmas shopping for his teachers, picked up a thing or two for daddy and Bella, and had lunch together. I told him we could go anywhere he wanted, half figuring he would say “McDonalds”. Nope. Guess where he said…Target. He wanted to go to Target and have pizza and a slushie. I know. I’m still shaking my head at that one to. But hey, I did say wherever!
It’s been a long time since Zachary and I could spend one on one time together. Right before Bella was born, I had a meltdown, terrified that my son would hate me for bringing another baby in the mix and taking away time from him. Well he surprised me and really took to Bella very well and never really showed any jealousy whatsoever. Until now. However, he is in school three days a week and knows that (and hears) about some of the things Bella and I do during the time he is in school. He started really acting out for attention. So, thanks to my very wise mother in-law, date day was established. She made the comment that Zachary is crying out for attention and that she would love to take Bella for the day so he and I can spend some special time together. Today has been a blast! Tiring, but a blast!
It’s so hard for me to believe that my son is starting Kindergarten next year. He went from this

Hug your kids and remember, it is important to try and spend one on one time with each of them whenever you get the chance. (you probably already know that!)
awe That’s wonderful you two have Date Day’s! I’ll be needing to do that with Connor soon.
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