So I joined a Fantasy Football league this year. Go ahead, laugh it up! Those of you that know me well, may know that I am totally NOT into football at all. I can’t stand to watch it and I shudder at some of the injuries that you hear about with kids in high school. Neck injuries, etc and they still want to play. Their parents still want them to play. Boggles my mind.
But…with that said, I am competitive and the idea of being in a Fantasy Football league with my father in-law (HUGE football fan), brother in-laws, and some of their friends…I couldn’t pass it up. The cost to join the league was only $40.00. Not bad when you think about the fact that the winner can win $400!
For almost the entire season, I was first in my division. Me. First. I know I can’t believe it either. Imagine my surprise when I make it to the play offs. Only four teams make it to the play offs, and I was one of them. In the play offs we have the Karate Kicking Camels (me), Kiss my footballs (who, by the way, is kissing my footballs this week), Canada Eh, and Dave and Jason (they weren’t too creative on the whole team name thing).
So like I was saying, Kiss my footballs is kissing mine this week. We both have one player left to play tomorrow. If I win, then I move on to next week and play for $400!!! I am so beyond excited. And if I win, I’m going to put some of the money in our bank account…but the other part, I’m buying my purse I want!
LOL I joined a Fantasy Football league with my husband and his co-workers this year. We both made it to the playoffs, and our top 4 all get some sort of money. We’ll be 3rd and 4th, but we’ll double the money we put into the pot. Since we’re 3rd and 4th, we’re playing each other this week and next more for pride than anything. The best part is I came in from dead last in our league to the top 4.
I am referring you to one of my FAVE bloggers, she is also a fantasy football fanatic, and you will totally love her! Check her out and tell her I sent ya!
Thanks I will check it out!!
What, no Camel Jockeys this year? You did so well under that name last year. I won the Camtu league again this year. 🙂
I’m doing much better under Karate Kicking Camels!