I just finished watching The Biggest Loser and as usual, I am BLOWN away at the transformations these people made! Literally blown away. If you haven’t seen the show yet, you may want to stop reading right about now because I don’t want to spoil anything for you.
Throughout the season, I really started to dislike Heba, Vicki, and Brady. Heba was annoying every time she opened her mouth. Vicki too. She was so mean and conniving…always talking about how she was “playing the game” etc. And don’t even get me started about the little lie that her husband or should I say, Vicki, cooked up about Phillip talking crap about Heba. How stupid do they think the viewers are? Had something like that gone down, you better believe they would have aired it.
So yea, anyway…last week when Ed pleaded with America to vote for Heba to be in the finale, I just knew that was going to backfire and everyone was going to vote for him out of spite. I just loved with Allison Sweeny said “it’s a landslide…”! But then I began to worry that Heba would win the at home (which she did) and then Ed would go and win the actual Biggest Loser title…but thankfully, that didn’t happen.
I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t help but laugh when Vicki almost fell trying to walk in her pair of hooker heels. Why wear shoes that you can’t even walk in? And then when Michelle came out and Bob went to help her, she kind of had this look like “um…I wore shoes I can walk i, but thanks”!
I was so beyond happy to see Michelle win. I liked her from day one on the show. I thought, after Coleen, Michelle was the nicest person on that show. But beyond nice, she gave it 110% week in and week out. Yes she thought about going home, but that had a lot to do with the psychological issues she was dealing with and once she overcame those…it was smooth sailing for her.
I wish I could go on this show so bad. And I would definitely want Bob to be my trainer 😉
I was literally jumping up and down at work when Michelle won!! I could NOT stand Heba or Vicky either. And yes i laughed too when she nearly fell..it was pretty damn funny! I was pissed that Heba beat out Amy but whatever. I couldn’t get over how amazing some of them looked, like Jerry!!
Jerry was amazing looking! I have to say, Heba does look good…though she needs one hell of a boob lift LMAO
I was sooo happy for Michelle! She deserved to win. I was, however, not happy that Heba won the $100,000. I agree with you…Heba is in desperate need of a lift or two!
Altough Heba was annoying, she looked absolutely amazing at the finale! But…yea michelle!!
I was so happy that Michelle won! I couldn’t stand Vicki! She was a disgrace to Louisiana! LOL!