You just HAD to come out with a Christmas Cadbury Cream Egg. You just had to tempt me like that. Don’t you know that I have no freaking will power AT.ALL? Now I won’t be able to go into a store from now until like April to avoid all the Cadbury Cream Eggs.
As if my butt and thighs weren’t big enough. And yes, my will powerless self just bought 4 of them and yes my will powerless self just ate all 4 of them. I hate you. I know I should hate me for not having will power, but right now I feel like hating you because those damn things tasted so good.
And as a side note…you can do away with that marshmallow one you have out right now. Those taste like crap.
Christmas creme eggs?? That is just wrong!!!
Holy crap! Christmas Cadbury Eggs? YYYYYUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! I need to get to a store to get one. Tells you how much I’ve been out of my house lately-ha! Thanks for the tip! Can’t wait to sink my tastebuds on one of those puppies!
I didn’t even know that Cadbury had a CHRISTMAS egg – now I have to go find them. Gosh, I hate and love you so much at the same time.