My kids like that Max and Ruby show. I don’t like or dislike it, except I am really disturbed by it. One, that Ruby is incredibly condescending. But I can let that go. I mean she rarely has time for herself since she is always doing everything for her brother Max. But the one thing that bugs me to know end is the fact that you NEVER see Max and Ruby’s mother. Why does Ruby have to take care of her brother 24/7?
Maybe I am totally reading into the show, but isn’t a little odd that these two kids never have any parental guidance? I mean sure there is that Mrs. Huffington who has Ruby babysit her little baby, while she is babysitting her brother. And we’ve seen Ruby’s grandma on the episode where Ruby and Max were allowed to roller skate ALL the way to grandma’s house…alone. Oh and lets not forget when Ruby went camping with her bunny scouts and had to take Max along. So not only was the scout leader in charge of all those girls, but a random little brother too. So not cool.
And while we are on the topic of disturbing things in cartoons, I cannot forget one episode of Caillou that I saw. I know that kid is annoying, but my kids…especially my daughter…love Caillou. Anyhoo, there was the episode when Caillou’s doorbell rang and he ran and answered it without asking who was at the door and without his mother present. Who lets there kid do something like that? Especially now a days with all the weirdo’s that go door to door “selling” stuff.
I better end this post here. I’m sure I could sit here for hours finding something wrong with each and every kids show I am forced to endure 😉
Never really looked at it that way but that is WAY too much pressure on a little girl!
LOL! I’ve noticed that too! And the same thing with Charlie and Lola! You never see parents! I don’t get it. Even the Dora, the muppit babies and Fragle Rock had/have ‘mother’ figures! I don’t get it! These cartoons need to be teaching our kids about safety and stranger danger! I should make a new cartoon…I’ll be R I C H !!! lol
LOL, oh Leah, your gonna stress yourself out. I don’t put that much thought into cartoons. But I do notice those things all the same.
I have an award for you!
I always notice this stuff too! It irritates me that they go against everything we teach our kids.
What gets to me even more our the cartoons that don’t use real words (like Pingu). Really, we want our kids to hear actual words, not a little muttering penguin!
This is all true. Wait til she loves spongebob! LOL
I have the same issue with Max and Ruby. Caillou is just a whiny brat imo. At least Charlie and Lola ask their mom if they can do things so even though we don’t see her, she’s sort of there. Although Lola gets on my nerves sometimes too. There’s lots of shows on PBS that I wonder how in the world they got there. They don’t seem to have any educational value whatsoever. But they’re still not as bad as what Cartoon Network shows half the time.
My son LOOOOOOVes Max and Ruby too. I’ve asked my husband the same questions. Also, how come it takes Max 5 requests before he finally listens to Ruby?
I’ve often wondered where their parents are too. And, Ruby can’t be more than 10…what’s she doing babysitting her brother that much anyway?
My kids have out grown these shows (they are teenagers) but when I babysit friends kiddos, I’ve noticed the same thing!! Makes me CRAZY!
Kids watch these, copy what they see, how good is that when unsafe and bizarre content is being presented!?!
I agree with you, just my two cents, maybe three… 🙂
i have always asked my daughter…where is their mom? and i’ve always been so irritated by how bossy ruby is.
Cartoons in general are odd. Why do all cartoon characters have only 3 fingers and a thumb or perhaps no neck or knees? Then there are the storylines…nuff said. So repetitive, same story week in and out. At least in Diego there is no mention of parents…it is as though he is a miniadult solving animal problems.
Your post was good food for thought!