It’s OK. I’ll admit it…I’ve peed my pants before. Did I do it on purpose? Of course not. Who pees their pants on purpose? And please, if you are into that and get off on peeing your pants for some sort of weird and twisted pleasure…just move on. This blog post will be of no help or interest to you!
But for those of you that have this problem, whether it is a new problem since having kids, or an older problem that you have dealt with by using a variety of products out there on the market, this post is for you! Tena, formally Serenity, teamed up with exercise expert Kari Bo to launch a revolutionary (and free!!!) pelvic health program called, Core Wellness. This revolutionary program involves the PELVICORE technique which is a quick and easy 20 minute routine that has been found to CURE bladder weakness in over 60% of women who have tried it! Not only has it been proven to cure bladder weakness, but it has also been shown to tone the tummy and improve posture. And one thing my mother has always told me, if you stand up straight and don’t slouch, you look thinner…so there’s another plus!
Watch this quick video about Core Wellness:
I leave you with some great tips from Tena:
Don’t Sweat It: More than 70% of mild bladder incontinence can be improved through simple muscle exercises that contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles. These exercises require minimal effort and can be done anywhere- in the office, on the subway or while at home watching TV – no gym clothes required.
Maintain a Normal Weight: Carrying excess weight increases the likelihood of weak pelvic floor muscles and can also worsen bladder weakness.
Let Someone Else Do the Heavy Lifting: Lifting heavy objects incorrectly can weaken your pelvic floor. Lift heavy objects safely by bending your knees and using your leg muscles.
The Pelvic Health Diet: Certain foods, such a tomato based and spicy foods, can irritate the bladder. Caffeine and alcoholic beverages also contribute to leakage, so stick to bladder-friendly liquids such as water, apple juice, grape juice and cranberry juice.
Don’t Let Bladder Weakness Hold You Back: Bladder weakness affects one out of four women. You are not alone in this condition and it doesn’t have to control your life. Pelvic floor exercises can greatly improve your pelvic health, but if you’re still hesitant to stray too far from a bathroom, consider a discreet liner or pad to help give you confidence through the day. Visit for more tips and to check out all your options.
Sign up for the Core Wellness program and get your free DVD!
Thanks may have to do some of that.
This might be helpful since having my hysterectomy in December. Of course I can’t do any exercise for quite awhile still. I’ll have to come back to this post later 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the post. I didn’t know that 1 in 4 women deal with bladder weakness. I’ve gained weight over the years after having my children and find that laughing to hard or coughing can cause problems for me so I’m always self-conscious about that. I know that Keagel exercises work but I’m very disciplined about doing them. This post is reminder for me to keep working at eliminating this problem.