I had the funniest conversation with my little two year old daughter today. Now you see, my son calls his penis a peeper. I don’t know when or why he started it, but everyone that knows Zachary, knows that he has a peeper. So today Bella asks me what her girly parts are called. And I told her. The conversation went something like this:
Bella: what’s that? (pointing at her girly parts)
Me: That is your vagina Belly girl
Bella: (looking completely insulted) My china? I have a china?
Me: Yes Bella, that is your vagina.
Bella: (hysterically crying) I want a peeper. I don’t want a china. Zachary you have a peeper. I want a peeper. I have a china. I don’t want a china.
Me: That is your vagina Belly girl
Bella: (looking completely insulted) My china? I have a china?
Me: Yes Bella, that is your vagina.
Bella: (hysterically crying) I want a peeper. I don’t want a china. Zachary you have a peeper. I want a peeper. I have a china. I don’t want a china.
Yes ladies and gentlemen, my daughter…my two year old daughter, has penis envy.
haha! Thats hilarious and too cute!
That is way too funny!
so funny! kids say the cutest things!
I hope you are writing this down in her baby book…this will be a great story to share on her wedding day!
Thanks for the laugh.
I don’t know what’s funier, “china” or “I want a peeper.”
LMAO that was funny and too cute!
Not my house, we are full of peepers around here.
love that story! you should send it over to
Aww crap, I just spit pepsi on my keyboard. I love kids!
That is too darn funny! Love the way you told it.
LMAO!! That’s the cutest thing I’ve read all week!
Oh that made me giggle – the china and the peeper. Oh the stories you will be able to tell when they get older.