You know, the one with the baby in the bubble. Can we say DUMB??? OMG! Normally I am totally in love with commercials. I mean I love them like teenage boy loves his hand (I heard someone use that analogy the other day and thought it was funny haha). I used to know all the Mentos commercials. Which I have to say, I am pretty sad they don’t air anymore. I would rather see them and the Double Mint Twins, than the stupid baby in a bubble commercial.
What the hell was Huggies thinking? And maybe the commercial would be better if they used a different person to play bubble baby’s mom. But the look of absolute shock on her face when she sees a father use a wipe to clean his daughters mouth is just ridiculous.
Either the advertising people for Huggies have a screw or two loose or they hit happy hour a few hours early!
Now this Huggies Commercial…hilarious!
At least it’s PEE! I’ve taken a diaper off a kid only to have them shoot POO all over me.
Good times.
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LOL boy have I been there a few too many times! I also had my middle child poop on me (in my face) Eeeewwwww, yes I have been traumatized for life by that. An experience I will NEVER forget. Great commercial!
Huggies has been really off lately in their advertising. I can’t stand the bubble commercial or that stupid potty dance one. Who wants to see a bunch of people grabbing their crotches and dancing. I thought we were done with all that when Michael Jackson stopped grabbing himself on stage.
This commercial is hysterical! I can definitely relate to this!
I’m definitely not a fan of that bubble commercial.
That’s great! I do NOT miss the days of having a baby boy. But I can’t say girls are much better. Emma sprayed the front of my shirt just last week.
I don’t really pay attention to the commercials so much but my husband will deliberatly flip around during commercials to see which ones are playing on different stations. Weird, I know!
I don’t mind the bubble one, kinda dumb, but it’s not annoying, but that potty dance one is just wrong.
So cute! I love your site. Thanks for posting your link on Mom Dot or I may have never found you. Have a great day!