In my quest to be the best Domestic Goddess that I can be, there are a few things that I need to work on. The laundry is one of them. I mean seriously, if you frequent this blog often you would know my serious problems with laundry (like this one).
My biggest problem is remembering to switch things from the washing machine to the dryer. Getting that yucky smell out is always difficult. I’ve tried it all…vinegar in the rinse cycle, baking soda, etc. Nothing really worked. So when I was given the opportunity to try out a product called Smelly Washer, I jumped at the opportunity. This product was made for people like me!
So coincidentally, I got the mail the other day and in it were two bottles of Smelly Washer. At that moment I had one of those “aha” moments. Yes you guessed it. I left a load in the washing machine. They had been in there for 3 days. We’re talking a really stinky mess. But lucky for me (and Smelly Washer since I was doing a review for them) I had the tools to fix that stinky mess. And boy did it ever! Just one cap full of the Smelly Washer granules and all smells were eliminated! Here’s what I did:
- Filled the washing machine with water and added one cap full of the Smelly Washer. Let the clothes and Smelly Washer agitate for two minutes and then allowed them to soak for two hours.
- After two hours, I allowed the washing machine to finish it’s cycle and then rewashed the clothes with detergent.
- Next I put the clothes in the dryer and a hour later, I had wonderful smelling clothes!
Another good thing you can do with your Smelly Washer is clean your washing machine. I know I know. It sounds crazy to clean something that is made to CLEAN your clothes, but detergent can start to build up inside the crevices of the machine as well as mold and other nasty things. Just fill the machine up, add Smelly washer to the water and let it soak all night. In the morning you will have a fresh smelling (and clean!) washing machine!
Smelly Washer retails for 16.99 per bottle and they ship worldwide! The people at Smelly Washer are giving my readers 10% off when they use the promotional code DGODDESS1. But guess what?? I have 3…yes THREE bottles to give away to three different readers!
To enter this totally cool giveaway you must comment telling me your funniest laundry story. That’s it! How simple is that?
To earn extra entries AFTER you do the mandatory entry above, you can:
- Follow my blog
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Look at all those extra entries!!!! Please leave each entry in a separate comment. Leave a valid email address in your comment or profile in case you are a winner. This contest is open to both the United States and Canada. Contest ends Sunday April 12th.
funniest or messiest- ended up washing a sharpie in my husbands sweatpants and went all over everything and since it was a small load I threw it in with a blanket and turned to dots on everything including the blanket
I also regularly forget to transfer laundry out of the washing machine!
A funny laundry story: a long time ago (I was still in highschool) my mother thought she’d be nice and do my laundry for me. In the basket was a wool sweater I loved. She washed it and threw it in the dryer. Not only was it scorched from the heat of the dryer but it also shrunk to the size that fit my cabbage patch doll. I was very angry at the time but looking back all I can do is laugh. I believe she refused to do my laundry from that point on…
melacan at hotmail dot com
um, i’m not sure how funny it is – but i forgot to check my hubby’s pockets and a marker exploded ALL over the entire load of clothes…he was MAD
autumn398 (at)
I never remember to check all the pockets before I wash. I assume everyone will check their own pockets so I sometimes find a variety of things that go through the wash. The worst is paper. I have to admit it was me who once left a bunch of raffle tickets in my pocket from a church festival. Yes, there were little pieces of paper over all the clothes in that load!
Not exactly funny, but memorable. My husband put unrinsed vomited on sheets into the washer. Lots of chunks to clean up afterwards!!
I guess my funniest laundry story is when my dad was going to visit me at college and asked if I needed anything. I said “White socks.” I was notorious for throwing everything in together to wash because hey, washers cost money there. Even though I washed on cold, my socks turned pink from something red that had bled. Some of those pink socks got later thrown in with some jeans that also bled (never had before), and then I had purple socks. After all the pink, blue, and purple, I only had a few actual white pairs left.
Have you ever accidently washed a pull-up? Oh yes, fun times!
My kids are ADDICTED to chap stick. I am a very poor laundress, and NEVER check pockets boefore washing and drying. Well, one more than one occasion, I’ve been folding clothes out of the dryer only to find greasy blobs on everything. You’d think I’d learn my lesson, but NOOOoooo.
OMG I need some!!! My hubby is starting to notice the smell in his clothes 🙂
It doesnt matter if it’s only 1 day that you forget them. They smell horrible!!!!
When my washer starts to smell really bad, I run it empty on hot with bleach. Seems to do the trick if you didnt want to waste the good stuff.
My messiest mess was 3 crayons that went through the washer and then the dryer. All of the clothes (jeans of course) were stained red and blue. It was all over the inside of my dryer. I was sooooo pissed at myself for not checking pockets!
My funniest story is when I turned all of my husband’s socks and shirts pink. I never bother to separate colors and something red must have been in there.
my husband works construction and we have 3 dogs-i think this might help
Just recently I washed a load of hubbys work clothes all was fine until i noticed pieces of paper everywhere…He had left his paycheck in his pocket and I didnt check the pockets..Thankfully we were issued a new check quickly but goodness..note to self..always check pockets! 🙂
Thank you!
Mech Battle in the Washing Machine
My son loves Bakugans. They’re small plastic toys that look like balls. Each ball has a pretty strong magnet inside. When they touch metal, the magnets inside cause the ball to pop open into a Transformer-like robot/animalistic being. They also stick to whatever metal triggered them.
Anyway, I opened the washing machine last week and my son had evidently had 9 Bakugans in the pockets of his pants.
Lining the metal drum of the machine were nine ready for battle Bakugans–dragons, warriors, snakes, dinosaurs–with fangs wings and claws bared. They started at the top of the drum and snaked their way around to the bottom. It was a colorful and strangely intimidating sight!
Luckily, they were okay…and very clean!
Oh man, when my husband and I were first married we didn’t have a washer/dryer because we lived in an apartment. There were laundry units in the complex, but they were a pain. So any time we went to visit parents for the weekend, I just brought our laundry along to do there.
One time I pulled my husband’s work/dress clothes out of my mom’s dryer and there was BLUE INK all over everything. He had left a pen in his pockets. I was so upset. And it stained the inside of her dryer. I scrubbed clothes and the dryer for an hour trying to get everything out. What a mess!
When my washing machine broke I insisted I HAD to have one of those cool front-loading machines. Nobody clued me in on the stink those machines put out..this would be a blessing.
Funny story: This washing machine I had to have: I couldn’t wait to have it delivered to the house and hubby thought we could pick it up and bring it in the house ourselves with a dolly. Big mistake..huge. It was so big it wouldn’t fit in the door and it ended up getting stuck. There we are, the two of us, trying to push this machine into the the rain, no less. I had to call my son at college and make him drive home to help get it in. Of course, once we did it was all scratched up. I thought I was going to cry. Worst part is, if we would have read the directions and removed the stabilizer bolts, it would have cleared the doorway without a problem. Moral of the story; pay for and wait for the delivery dudes.
Oh and shortly after we got it, I washed hubby’s paycheck because I didn’t check his pockets.
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not funny for me….but it never fails – anything gross that goes through the laundry messes up my clothes – not the person’s who put the sharpie, marker, gum or whatever in there……
I am always forgetting to transfer the clothes. I’d love to try Smelly Washer!
I washed (and dried) an entire box of crayons with my family’s laundry! That does NOT come out easily.
I linked to your blog on my blog.
I don’t know if this is really funny or not but my husband never remembers to empty his pockets. I don’t always remember to check them before I wash things. So there have been a variety of items that have gone through our washer and dryer.
i could really use this!! I am all the time forgetting laundry in the washing machine!
I washed my daughters pink bow with a bunch of dark clothes and it died one of my favorite dresses of hers pink!
I follow.
I never check pockets and therefore, I have washed my husband’s wallet. Twice. Now he remembers to take it out of his pocket every night.
Somehow a foil-wrapped chocolate egg made it through the washer and dryer intact! What a miracle! (P.S. I REALLY need this stuff – my washer stinks.)
my funniest ongoing laundy story is finding money and change in the washer…I just keep it in a safe place for later use. My daughter and husband are forever leaving money and change in their jean pockets.
dctm at bellsouth dot net
Not sure if this is funny but it worked for me.
My husband and I had been married for several years. I kept trying to get him to turn his socks the right way to wash. As well as his shirts and pants. Nothing was working. So I decided to start washing and drying them the way they were. After a few weeks of finding his clothes on the hanger all wrong side out and his socks in a ball and really not clean, he then decided he would start doing it my way. LOL.
Yeah it was mean, but it worked.
My preschooler recently left a piece of chalk in a pocket and later I found it in the washer. When I told her chalk does not belong in pockets, she said she just wanted to see the drawing it made in the washer!
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When my daughter was only about 5 she decided to do laundry. She put a LOT of clothes in the washer and poured bleach on them! We were not happy about it at the time but now we can laugh about it!
Thirty-some years ago our snow white cat named Julie used to accompany me to the basement to do the laundry, watching from her perch on the ping pong table which served as my clothes-folding place more than it was ever used for table tennis. Load #1 (whites) was washed, so I tossed it into the dryer in about three handfuls, slammed the door shut, pushed START, and began loading the washer with colored duds. Thump-ka-thump, thump-ka-thump, thump-ka-thump. “Gee,” I thought, “I don’t remember tossing tennies in the dryer–they’ll be with the dark clothes later on.” Yikes! I opened the dryer door and there was Julie running like a hamster on an exercise wheel. She made a quick right turn, bounded out of the dryer, and tore up the stairs none the worse for wear. That’s the last time she helped with the laundry. Smart kitty? You bet. At least she knew which load she belonged in.
I was studying in England for a term and I had only one suitcase of clothes for 4 months. I washed everything together which was not a problem as long as I used cold water. Once I accidently used hot water and ALL my clothes had a blue tint to them! At least they all matched. Anyway, for 3 of those 4 months I wore nothing but blue.
…that in her previous posting she forgot to mention three things: 1. Julie cat lived to be 21 years of age, so our washday adventure took no observable toll on her, but she was permanently fluffier than before; 2. the washing machine and dryer Julie and I used have long since passed on and I now have a top loading washer which is SMELLY–the reason I came to this website; 3. the ASPCA and others can reach me at
I guess I can laugh about it now, but I wasn’t lauging then. My husbands job is to make sure he gets everything out of his pockets! Well, he didn’t do such a good job one day and left a pen in his shirt pocket. We had ink all over the load of laundry and the inside of my dryer.
bs.webster at sbcglobal dot net
Can’t say I have any funniest, although when I first started learning to wash cloth diapers my washer stayed pretty darn smelly! LOL
The funniest story would be me trying to help out my Mom after she had a hard week. I was home for winter break and wanted to surprise her by cleaning the home, including washing all the dirty clothes that had accumulated during the holiday season. I wasn’t any novice to taking care of myself or doing chores since I’d been helping out growing up and had to while away at college.
But oh man did multitasking get the better of me. I only had one load left (amazingly enough for such a relatively small family, I had to run six loads), when my Mom arrived home from work. I had intended to have all the folding done before she got home, but the last batch was still in the dryer. My Mom commented on how I really shouldn’t mix colors, when she noticed a “new” sweater. “Diana, sweaters shouldn’t be machine dried. You know this.” Oops. Worse yet it was the one piece of clothing my Dad had actually selected for himself – he, like too many guys, doesn’t really enjoy shopping, but we drag him out occasionally and he managed to find this one sweater (on sale too!!) that he loved. Now it was almost too small for my Mom who’s half his size.
My Mom tries it on just as my Dad walks in and he goes, “Is that my sweater?” I smile. We all laugh and then it was determined that I’m limited to doing three loads a day. Otherwise I get careless and don’t sift through the cloths carefully enough. But anytime my Mom wears the sweater, I giggle, because I can’t help but think my Mom is trying to play dress-up.
email garnetorchid at
I have always told my husband and kids that pockets should be checked before placing clothes in the hamper. Years ago I washed my husband’s shirt and couldn’t figure out what the pieces of paper were clinging to everything. He had placed his shirt in the hamper without taking out his paycheck. He now empties his pockets! Thanks for the giveaway!
My funniest laundry story involves the day I worked all day long and came home to take my shirt off and out of the sleeve drops a sock. I had worked all day with a sock up my sleeve and didn’t even notice. Glad it didn’t happen while at work!
Funniest laundry story would be my twins when they were around 2 years old they loved taking on and off clothes. So one day there where in the basket putting on ever piece of clothes possible. Ummm where was the camera??? Home dead and no batteries to be found!@ boo hoo! lol I would love to try this!
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I’m a grandmother living in the north woods of Michigan where ‘net access is available only via dial-up powered by what I’ve been lead to believe is a mangy little donkey lashed to a gear, thence to who-knows-what, to provide our less than lightning speed (under 24,000 BPS) contact with the rest of the world. I don’t twitter, squeak, holler, tweet, blog, nor technorate; however, I do hiccup occasionally and I’m dealing with an earth-friendly, top loading, but very SMELLY washer. I have high hopes for the product being discussed here.
Don’t really have a funny laundry story, but I did have a big mess when my kiddos left a crayon in their pocket. My hubby was helping with the laundry and didn’t check the pockets. What a mess! And it didn’t come out! What a way to learn to check pockets EVERY time you do the wash, huh?
brandyblurbs at yahoo dot com
I don't have a funny laundry story, but I can tell you this: my washer & dryer are so old that they're the green color (from the 60's or 70's?). Thankfully they both still work, but the washer smells like mold/mildew. I have to leave the lid up on it whenever I'm not using it. I can't afford new ones, but sure wish I could!
I don’t have any funny stories really – just the normal kids stuff, gum, crayons, candy – all that good stuff!
believedreamcourage (at)
well i do the wash most every day i neve had knowed that well a waher was not to be smelly lol any how add me in i love to give this stuff a try i love for once my washer to be clean. thanks
Somehow a bar of soap was put in the washer with a load of clothing. Have you ever seen the cartoons with suds spilling out of the washer and filling the room with suds. IT CAN HAPPEN! Not the whole room but a pile of suds as big as the washer! Soap suds are not a very easy thing to pick up!
I used to work at a cabinet factory and we had to use these thick large bright orange crayons to mark the knots on the board. I accidentally left one in my jeans pocket and needless to say, when I went to dry the clothes it was all over everything!
I dried our clothes in a laundromat dryer that somebody had left a tube of glittery lip gloss in. All the clothes had oily, glittery streaks on them!
I always find it funny that no matter how well I check I always find lego in the dryer
Actually the funniest laundry story I have is years ago when my cat was missing. My daughter was about three and when asked, told me she had not seen the cat for a long time. I went to put some clothes in the dryer and WHAM! jumped out my cat! My daughter later admitted to hiding her there so she could not run from her when she wanted to play:)
madamerkf at aol dot com
My husband is terrible about taking things out of his pockets so I always try to check but one day I was hurrying through the laundry and forgot to check. Later that day my husband was looking everywhere for his brand new cell phone and we torn the whole house up look for it until it hit me to check the laundry. Sure enough there it was at the bottom of the washer. I had been washing loads of laundry all day and not noticed it at all. It was completely ruined but the good news is my husband is now very careful about taking things out of his pocket.
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I have had diapers go through the laundry and, boy, can they hold some water. Also, once after I had put clothes in the dryer and started, the dryer started thumping. I thought the clothes were just out of balance. So after the third thump, I open the dryer to shift the clothes around. My new, very dizzy and disoriented cat jumped out. To this day, he won’t go in the laundry room.
Not so funny, but I just found out yesterday that my mother hasn’t opened her broken washing machine in 10 months. It broke mid-cycle and she’s just left the clothing there with the lid on. 🙁
It was my boyfriend’s first time doing laundry and after I explained how to sort his clothes and turn the washing machine on, I figured he was set. I said to go ahead and add the clothes and the laundry detergent and walked away. I guess I should have stayed to make sure it was going to end smoothly. He had grabbed the first bottle he saw on the shelf…which happened to be bleach. Needless to say, he doesn’t do the laundry anymore.
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My funniest story is running the washer but forgetting to put the clothes in. thanks!
braaisjo at gmail dot com
My husband went to work with a pair of my thong panties stuck inside the leg of his slacks. He didn’t feel it until he got to work, he figured it was a fabric softener sheet and shook them out in front of coworkers in the breakroom. They still tease him about his panties.
I follow you on twitter, revaskie.
My husband did the laundry many years ago and then dried it forgetting a marker in his pants. There was black marker all over his clothes and all over the inside of the dryer.
I am forever forgetting to switch the laundry, too. I’m glad to know I’m not alone. My worst laundry story, which is funny now, but not at the time, was when I washed a load of clothes with crayons. What a mess!
Thanks! rlgrady[at]yahoo[dot]com
Someone left kleenex in their pocket. Talk about a mess
Well my story is how I always leave kleenex in either the pants pocket or shirt pocket and it gets all thry the laundry, yuck, its aweful having to pick that out of the whole load. skyxsky27(at)
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