Tomorrow is Pp day at preschool. Meaning, the kids need to bring in items from home that start with the letter Pp. Well Zachary has been having difficulty with understanding the letter sounds. We’re sitting there at dinner and all of a sudden he says:
“I know something that starts with P. My peeper. My peeper starts with p.”
I think we all know what his peeper is. If not, refer to this post. I think I will send a little email to his teacher right now, apologizing in advance for what may happen or be said during Pp day share time!
Side note…you no how that moose or whatever it is on Noggin says “point your peepers over here”? You should have seen the look on my sons face when he heard that on tv LMAO!
To help your fears, with budget cuts field trips are pushed out of the way, so you can return your normally schedule program during the school day.
-Alison Schmidt