“Mommy make me these cookies. I want peeper cookies”
I turn around…not sure what I was about to see, to my son who is holding up a penis cookie cutter. My eyes widened and my face turns about 10 shades of red.
“I can eat a peeper mommy. Let’s buy it”
Penis cookie cutters, fuzzy boobs to hang from your rear view mirror…all I can say is, I am so glad my son can’t read yet.
We were in Spencer’s (kind of like a gags and gifts type store). Zachary slipped out of my hand and ran towards the back of the store…he slipped under the caution tape into a world full of crazy naked people, edible underwear, and penis cookie cutters.
Boy was he full of questions after that:
“Do they make boobie cookie cutters?”
“Why would you want a peeper cookie cutter?
“How do they make the peeper cookie cutter?
The questions were endless. He even went as far as to say that he wanted peeper cookies for his birthday. Um…I’m thinking your cousins will not be all that appreciative of the human body part cookie.
One thing did catch my eye as we were walking out of the store. A remote control vibrator. The female wears it in her underwear while the significant other zaps her whenever he pleases. I can just see it now. Woman goes in to take a sip of soup when BAM. Not something I would wear (in public), but it makes me laugh at the thought of someone just randomly jumping or saying “oooh”!
Anyhoo…no penis cookies in this house, much to my son’s dislike!
OMG I just about died laughing…peeper cookies. LMAO…you should have bought it and made some for a wordless wednesday. Add a little “hairy” icing and you’re set.
I just want you to know that I was trying to type the word “pepper” in a post, and kept typing “peeper” instead…you have damaged me 🙂
You have an award too!
OMG I can just picture it! I now know not to take my boys into spencers with me, but that gave me a really good idea for a girlfriends bachelorette party that’s coming up soon!!! Heehee
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That is hilarious! I haven’t been in a Spencer’s in a few years but I remember that small section of the store. Many times I would wonder who would buy some of that stuff like the remote control vibrator and why. Hopefully he forgets about the cookie cutter soon.