How would you like to win the 4th season of The Closer on DVD and a T-shirt?
For those of you that are saying, “What’s The Closer?”, The Closer is an American Crime drama set in Los Angeles that deal with high profile murders, fraud, and kidnapping cases. The new season (season 5) of The Closer stars Golden Globe winner Kyra Sedgwick and airs on Monday nights at 9pm ET on TNT.
Mandatory Entry: Follow my blog and tell me in a comment that you did soAdditional Entries: Please leave EACH additional entry in a separate comment box…you can ONLY do an additional entry after you do the mandatory entry.
- Follow me on Twitter (DGoddess)
- Blog about this contest on your blog and link back to me
- Enter my other contest and come back here to let me know you did so
- Comment on any of my other posts and come back and comment on this post letting me know which post you commented on
- Donate to my Walk for a Food Allergy Cure (if you do this, then you get the unlimited entries into this contest!)
Contest is open to residents of the United States. Please be sure to leave me an email where I can contact you if you win. If I am unable to contact you, a new winner will be picked via Contest ends August 6th with the winner announced on August 7th.
Good luck!
I'm now following! I can't believe I wasn't before!
Following on Twitter-MommaStaciA.
I follow your blog, but my coffee has quite kicked in this morning and I can't seem to find your Twitter.
I'm a follower! 🙂
supercoupongirl AT
I am already following you on Twitter – find me @hardertobreathe 🙂
Thank you!
supercoupongirl AT
I follow your blog!