Who in your house does bedtime…
A. Daddy by himself
B. Mommy by herself
C. Mommy and Daddy together
Please answer in a comment either A, B, or C and then tell us a little of your family dynamics…does both mom and dad work jobs outside the home; is mom a SAHM; is dad a SAHM…thanks!
Daddy travels a lot so when he is home he does bedtime by himself. I stay at home but by him doing this it gives me a break. When he is home a lot we trade on and off.
Hello from the link a thon,
I am lucky that daddy is home at bedtime, so we do it together. We both go into their room, we give everyone kisses…It's nice. But DH will be switching to nights again soon and I'll be doing them by myself again.
I would have to say it's mostly B, by the time my man gets home, showers, and eats dinner he's out during the week. But that's fine with me and the boys we have our routine that we do every night. Shower, read stories,and they have to name 3 good things that happened/they did that day.
Its always mommy alone
Both parents work outside the home but mom works more and is gone longer hours a day
C- sort of.
When my husband's home, I put our 2yo to bed, and he puts our 8yo to bed. He has always put our oldest to bed since he was an infant. Our youngest would ONLY go to bed for me in the beginning, and since he requires nightly meds, the routine still falls on me. DH does it when needed, but primarily we do what we call divide and conquer.