There very well could be! I am going to be going all Jed Clampett on my backyard. Maybe I can find the oil before they do!
I bet you’re wondering what in the heck am I talking about. Well apparently my subdivision may be sitting on an oil field. How do I know this? Well right behind my house there is a giant oil rig set up and they are drilling away for oil. I’m thinking I will take my kids for a walk over their to check things out tomorrow. They can stare at the big oil rig thingy and I will check out the rough necks (Armageddon anyone?) and see if I can find me a Ben Affleck in my backyard!!
So like I said, I am about to go all Jed Clampet on my backyard. I have visions of striking it rich with the black gold, selling my house, and living happily ever after with my money. A girl can dream, right?
Dude! How sweet would THAT be??
Start digging!!!!!!!!