My lovely sister in-law (sil) is pregnant (I’m gonna be an Auntie!!!!) and Bella was absolutely hilarious with her today. The first thing Bella said to her today was “my belly is smaller” and pointed at my sil’s VERY pregnant belly. We all laughed. But what she said later in the evening was absolutely the BEST thing I have ever heard a child say before. She was looking at my sil and you could just tell that a bazillion questions was rolling through her head. It was almost like she could not believe a baby was really in there and worst yet, she could not, for the life of her, figure out how that baby was going to come out. So she said…wait for it…are you ready?
“Do you just spit it out?”
I about died! I had tears in my eyes. I absolutely love some of the crazy things that kids say and this was the best thing ever.
Leave me a comment…tell me the funniest thing your kids have ever said.
omg…that is classic….well since my son still only says about 5 words…I haven't had a super funny one yet….
LOL that is funny!
My son kept asking how the doctor was going to take the baby out. I finally bit the bullet and tried to think of a way to toell him. Then I remembered that he had watched that movie Milo and Otis. so I asked him if he remembered when the puppy had her babies and he looked at me with these huge eyes and he said "You're going to POOP the baby out?!!!!!" I had to reply, "yes, kind of". He said "ok" and that was that!
That WAS the funniest thing I ever heard a kid say! I am glad it was my belly that made her say it!
that's adorable! i don't have children yet but i love the line from the movie dennis the menace where, when dennis was asked where babies come from he says "from the minister and the doctor" and that "the belly-button opens up…" oh dear…hopefully i have children who are that creative!