For the first time EVER in my entire time as being a mommy, I feel guilty for lying to my kids. Now that probably makes me sound so horrible, but I’ll admit it, I lie to my kids. All the the time. I just did today on the way to McDonalds. Zachary asked me for a milkshake…or a mulch (malt) as he calls it and I told him their milkshake machine is broken. It totally wasn’t. Or when we were leaving McDonalds, he asked me if we could go to the Dollar Store (smarty pants knows the Dollar Store is across the street from where we were at) and I told him that the Dollar Store went out of business. I can’t help it if the kid is gullible.
But here’s were the guilt about lying comes in. We were sitting at the table while he was eating dinner and he says to me, “mommy is Santa real?”. Now why the hell would he ask me that? If some little snot is ruining Santa and taking away my ability to threaten the heck out of my kids to be good from like September on…but anyway he asks me that. I actually stuttered over the answer. So far in my “lying” to my kids, I’ve never been asked a direct question. I thought about saying “do you think he’s real?” but then was like, he’s super smart…what if he says no. What do I say then? So I did what I apparently do best with my kids…I lied. I looked him straight in the eye and said, “of course Santa’s real Zachary. Do you think mommy and daddy would give you all those toys?”. That seemed to satisfy him.
"He is real as long as you believe in the magic!"