So I blogged not too long ago about the whole Tiger Woods mistress ordeal. Today I was waiting for my daughter to bring me her shoes so I started reading an article on my E! application on my Blackberry. I was STUNNED to see that Elin Nordegren, Tiger Woods’ wife, was picking him up at a sex clinic and willing to give him another chance!
I could not believe that. I mean the guy completely humiliated her in front of the WORLD and she is willing to give him a second chance? Ugh makes me so sick as to how money hungry people are. Because that has got to be the only reason she is willing to give him a second chance…when it reality it is more like a third, fourth, and fifth chance with all the women he screwed.
Once a cheater, always a cheater. Anyone that can totally piss away their family by cheating, ESPECIALLY when there are kids in the mix, doesn’t deserve to be given a second or third chance.
such a sad situation and especially when there are children involved
some women never learn…
but me thinks she knew all along… and would rather have him & the fame than not at all…
who knows???
Faythe @GMT
Who would've guess Tiger Woods would be a bottom feeder. If I were her I would take the money and run, far away….