My son, as I’ve talked about before here on my blog, is ADHD. Currently he is on medicine for the ADHD. However, with summer coming up, I would like to explore other avenues and hopefully he won’t need the medicine this coming fall. Well since I posted that as my facebook status one day, a friend of mine recommended I read a book and OMG, I am so glad she did!!
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This book can be found at Amazon (click on the word book and it will take you right to the listing for the book) and it is well worth every penny. I started reading it and can barely put it down. It talks about the A-disorders that affect so many of our children; Autism, Aspergers, ADHD, and Asthma. It’s interesting how related these four disorders are and even more interesting that there are things, other than medicine, that can totally cure the person dealing with the issue. In the beginning, the author discusses 4 cases, each child having one of the four disorders. It brought tears to my eyes reading about what these parents were dealing with and to read how they are doing now, just amazing.
I highly recommend this book. The way I see it, what does it hurt? Read it, take something from it and hey, it just may make your life a little easier if you incorporate what you are reading. I also bought this cook book, which I have just thumbed through, but I really anticipate it will be a very handy book as well!
Nicole says
Sounds like a great read.