This is TOTALLY why some people need to take a test before they can have a baby in their possession. The other night I was at Applebees after a board meeting at my daughters preschool. At a table right next to ours, we witnessed a parent putting beer in a straw and then feeding it to his baby (maybe 9 months old). He did this several times.
Who does this?? I mean seriously. I’m not saying my kid hasn’t had beer. But not intentionally. Zachary actually had some at a Superbowl party a few years ago. He picked up someones can off the table and took a swig. Total accident and something that we have paid CLOSE attention to since so it doesn’t happen again.
I tried taking a picture with my cell phone, but the flash came on and made it very obvious that I was taking a picture of them and their lack of parenting skills.
Those stupid parents remind me of another parent I used to know who would give her baby hot sauce when he was around 9 months old, just to see his reaction. Sure I stuck a lemon or a pickle to my kids lips when they were little to see their reaction. But hot sauce? Never.
Some people definitely need some sort of test before becoming parents.
We eat spicy food so I let my kids experiment with it from an early age. my sis in law gives her daughter age 1 and half hot peppers n lemon to suck on
I don't really see a problem with it at 1 1/2 but at 9 months was just young to me and she was doing it to get a reaction, not because she eats it and wanted him to acquire a taste for it.
wow! what's the point of letting a baby sip on beer? seriously? was it to be funny? I would feel the same as you felt the moment you witnessed it 🙁