Sing with me everyone:
“Hot Flash Queen, old and sweet, only 73…” (yes, sing along to Abba’s Dancing Queen)!
Only I’m not 73. I’m 29 and I’m having horrible hot flashes. It’s disgusting. I don’t even want to know what I will be like when I really am in menopause and have to deal with this crap and more.
My hot flashes are so bad that I am taking cold showers. And the best part of the shower is when I let the icy cold blast my arm pits. That’s like insta-cool!
It’s been super hot here lately. I’ve contemplated sticking bags of frozen peas under my arms and one down my pants to just totally cool my body off. So if you see my walking around looking like I have side boobs and more junk in the truck than normal, just realize I’m probably having a hot flash.
Oh and I’d probably skip the veggies if you’re eating dinner at my house…
oh boy that's too young to begin having them! sorry 🙁 very uncomfortable!