Today my son took my keys to get something out of my car. We were all outside playing while my brother in-law so kindly cut my grass for me since my husband has been gone all week on business. I told my son to get out of my car and as I was about to tell him to bring me my keys, I got distracted by the sound of Bella struggling (she had tipped off her bike and she was struggling to pick the bike back up). I bet you can guess what is coming next…
Fast forward 2 hours later when my son says “hey I think your keys are locked in the car”. Now remember, I said my husband is gone this week…I only have the one car…no keys…I’m stranded. I was freaking out. I called AAA to come unlock my car, which they did in a timely fashion (thank you AAA), but little did I know that when you break open my car like they did, the alarm goes off. Talk about embarrassing. Hopefully my neighbors kids weren’t woken up. So I’m in my car, but guess what…no keys. Where the hell did he put my keys??
By this time it’s getting dark and I’m having a hard time seeing so I shut my car and go into the house. Still kind of freaking out over the fact that I have no car keys. I call my husband to ask him where my spare keys are and I get the standard “I didn’t touch your keys” answer. Which is silly to me. I mean, why would I use my spare keys…I have my own set. So again, I am freaking out and about to lose it. I start tearing apart the house to find either the spare set or the set that Zachary touched, but has no clue where he put them.
So guess where I found the spare set?
In the coat pocket of the man who “didn’t touch the keys”.
Did you find your original set?
I did! Finally this morning Zachary and I went back outside and they were in my truck (I have a hatch back) and they were in a spot that, while I looked there, I could not see them last night.
wahaha – I think he owes you!
haha! That sounds like my life!
Visiting from MomDot comment night 🙂
HA! Gotta love those "I didn't do it comments" when they did! LOL 🙂
So funny lol 🙂
Oh my! Sorry this happened to you. Things like this seem to happen to me all the time. Life loves to keep us on our toes. LOL!