I love getting flowers (*hint*hint* hubby). The brighter in color, the more unique looking, the better. I especially would love to just randomly get flowers delivered to me. That would totally make my day. Shoot…that would make my week!
However, what I like even more that getting a present is to give a present to someone. So when I had the opportunity to try out ProFlowers.com, I knew I was going to pick something out for someone I cared for. I thought about ordering one of the snack baskets for a friend, but when I saw that you could order bonsai trees, I knew I found exactly what I was going to order. My husband has wanted a bonsai tree for so long. There is a man that sells them on the side of the road near our house and every time we pass his stand, Dan has to say “you know, I really want a bonsai tree”. Well now he has his bonsai tree!!
I was very impressed with how the tree arrived. When I opened the box, the tree was packed in so nicely, I could have tipped the box on it’s side or upside down and nothing would have happened to it. Another thing I noticed is the plastic wrap around the container the tree sat in. Before the bonsai tree was packed, it was watered and then covered with plastic wrap to make sure none of the dirt or tiny stones fell out. But not only that, it also insured that the soil stayed nice and moist for the tree.
If you ever need flowers, plants, or any other special little gifts, be sure to check out ProFlowers.com. They definitely have something for everyone and they truly care about their products and who they are being sent to.
We order all of our flowers from ProFlowers. They are really good 🙂
I love their service. So much more professional than that other company.
I'm expecting something tomorrow and I'm SO excited. Hope you continue to enjoy your tree!
I love ProFlowers. And like you, what woman doesn't love flowers as a surprise.
This is a wonderful company! I love them!
ProFlowers is an awesome company and they have a great selection of goodies!