Seriously. About two hours ago, I was stuck in a bathroom stall in my local Walmart. Too bad there wasn’t someone in there with a camera. I’m sure that incident was “People of Walmart” worthy.
So you’re probably wondering what exactly happened. Obviously I had to use the restroom. Everything’s normal until I go to open the door to leave. Only I couldn’t leave. My door wouldn’t open. It was literally jammed shut. It closed easily, so this didn’t make sense. The only thing that did make sense was the fact that I was stuck in the stall and my ass may have been too big to shimmy myself under the door.
Before panicking, I texted my friend Sara. If anyone had an idea on how I could get out, it would be her. Shit what was I thinking. She texted back “LMFAO”. Great. Now what was I going to do? A few ideas popped into my head…
- yell super loud until someone came into the bathroom
- call 911 and tell them I was stuck in the bathroom
- look up the number to the Walmart store I was in and call their customer service and risk having them hang up on me…(remember the “do you have Chef Boyardee in a can” prank?!?)
- wait until someone walks into the bathroom and beg them to get me out
I did a combo of the last two options. Just as I was getting the number on my phone, a lady walked in. Imagine her surprise when I said the words “excuse me ma’am, could you maybe push or kick this door to open it…I’m stuck in here”. I could barely get the words out without laughing. I even tried calling my friend Sara back so she could hear the woman freeing me from the nasty bathroom stall, but she didn’t answer. She was probably still laughing her F&*^($# ass off. At any rate, the woman freed me, looked at me weird and hurried into her stall (which she opened and closed the door twice to make sure she wouldn’t get stuck).
There are two things I took from this situation. One, always test my bathroom door to make sure it open and closes good and two, lose some weight so there is no doubt in my mind that if this ever happens again, my ass would fit under the door.
Yep I am definitely still LMFAO!!!! Like I told ya earlier, I am glad you made it out alive but it is still HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!
Oh man, that reminds me of when we went camping over the summer, and my daughter couldn't get out of the bathroom stall! To make things worse, there was a swarm of ants where she was, so neither of us wanted to crawl underneath to get out! I actually called my son in to do it, he was our hero of the day, lol!
I just read this post out loud to my sister and husband – and we were all LMFAO! Thanks for the giggles! (And glad you escaped without a call to 911.)