Dr. Laura Jana, expert pediatrician and author of the book Heading Home with Your Newborn: From Birth to Reality Second Edition, has many great tips to help ease new moms into parenthood and bringing home their newborn.
Some of her tips include:
- Go with the flow with feedings…not all babies eat the same amount each day at the same time each day.
- Babies, Bubbles, and Burping…colic, spit-up and gas are just a few of the issues new moms face. Try burping your baby midway through a feeding, as well as at the end to help alleviate some of those issues.
- Prevent Nipple Confusion…look for a bottle that has age appropriate flow and is designed to be more like the female breast.
- Moms on the Go…if you are breastfeeding and no you will be on the go a lot whether you are going back to work or traveling, introduce the bottle early on to help with any issues that may arise.
- Decrease Stress…ACCEPT ANY HELP OFFERED! Sounds simple, huh? Well also ASK for help as well!
- Go Pro…There is no such thing as a stupid question! Ask your pediatrician, lactation consultant or other health professionals ANYTHING!
Not too long ago, Playtex recently conducted a survey of new and expecting moms and partnered with Dr. Laura Jana to address their top concerns. Their top concerns were:
NEW MOMS VOICE TOP CONCERNS WHEN HEADING HOME WITH THEIR NEWBORNSNew parents are filled with joy and excitement upon bringing home their newborn, yet this time can also be overwhelming. To help understand common issues, concerns and misconceptions new moms face during this time, Playtex recently conducted a national survey of both new and expecting moms to see what was on their minds and partnered with Dr. Laura Jana to address these results.*Key findings include:· Establishing Healthy Routines: Among top concerns for new momsKey worries for moms center on creating daily routines for their little ones – more than half of moms (57%) worry about establishing a healthy sleep routine, and nearly half (49%) are concerned about establishing a healthy feeding routine.· More specifically on feeding, moms also worry if their baby is getting enough to eat (26%), if they are latching on correctly (21%) and about general gas, colic and spit-up issues (20%)· Other primary concerns among moms include: making sure they have everything they need to properly care for their baby (57%), minimizing exposure to germs and viruses (52%) and not being able to comfort their baby/stop them from crying (45%)· Becoming an Expert on Baby: Moms worry about knowing everythingThose who worry about being an automatic expert can take comfort in the fact that while moms don’t always know everything right away, they still usually make the right choices for their baby.o Nine out of 10 moms (90 percent) with infants say they know they’ll figure out what’s right for their new baby, even if they don’t always know exactly what to doo About three out of five expectant moms (59%) sometimes worry they won’t know exactly the right thing to do when caring for their new baby§ Among first time expectant moms, seventy-one percent were concerned· Seeking Advice and Expertise: Moms look to grandma firstTwo-thirds (67%) of moms cite their own mom as their main source of information during the first two weeks at home with their newborno Other sources moms turn to most are pediatricians/childcare experts (64%) and other moms (49%)o 60 percent of moms include websites as a source for information they will turn to most in the first few weeks; more than half include books or magazines (53%)· The Social Network: New moms like to share with their “friends”Many new moms like to share information and updates regarding their baby through socialmedia channels including Facebook, Twitter, Skype, YouTube and personal blogso Nearly one-third of expectant moms (32%) plan to share updates about her new baby using digital/social media before she heads home from the hospitalo More than half (52%) of moms who have recently delivered say they shared their first baby news using digital media even before they brought their baby homeo Within the first week of being home with their baby, 84 percent of moms surveyed will have used digital/social media to share updates about their new arrival.o More than two-thirds of moms (67%) say they share updates about their infant via social media and online apps at least once a week§ Ninety-five percent of moms who use social media plan to share updates about their baby through Facebook (by far the most popular channel for sharing information)For more information on bringing home your newborn and establishing healthy feeding routines please visit www.playtexbaby.com.Playtex is a licensed trademark.
Playtex would like one of you to win some Playtex Drop-Ins Bottles!!! Read below how you can win!
- Comment on my post about a 4th grade student being allowed to wear a knife on him at school
- Enter my Tyson Any’tizer contest
- Comment on any other post on my blog and leave a comment here with the link to the post you commented on (unlimited)
- Leave a tip for new moms (unlimited)
This contest will run from today until January 1st with the winner announced on January 2nd. The winner will have 48 hrs to contact me with their shipping information or a new winner will be determined.
i follow your blog. amypugmire@live.com
I follow your blog micaela6955 at msn dot com
entered your Tyson contest
micaela6955 at msn dot com
I left a comment on your post about the student who took a knife to school…
micaela6955 at msn dot com
Hi, I follow your blog thru GFC and this is a wonderful giveaway, I would love to try these bottles, to see if they help my baby's colic. Thank you and Happy Holidays! Paula Caudill paulasue39@yahoo.com
I commented on your post about a 4th grade student being allowed to wear a knife on him at school. I don't care what people's beliefs are..it should NOT be permitted! Sorry, just venting. Paula Caudill paulasue39@yahoo.com
I entered the Tyson Any'tizer contest. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
One of my favorite tips for new moms is when you can't get in the hard to reach places, when washing your new baby, the best thing to use is a wet Qtip with baby soap on it ( between the toes, etc.) then take a dry Q-tip and dry them. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
I left a comment on the Is Miley Cyrus the New Lindsey Lohan post. Paula Caudill paulasue39@yahoo.com
I left a comment on the Adrenalin Junkies…this Post's for You! post. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
Another tip for new mothers is, if your child has a fever, you can bathe them in luke warm water to help bring the fever down. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
For babies that suffer from colic, you can try Gripe Water, it is safe for your baby. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
Tip – If your baby develops cradle cap, you can use baby oil to soften it and then, brush it out. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
Tip – for diaper rash, let your baby lay without a diaper a few hours everyday, this will help clear up the rash. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
Tip – If your baby has a stuffy nose, it is good to elevate the upper portion of their body when they sleep and be sure to use a nasal bulb to help them breathe better. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
Tip – try to take a nap when your baby does, believe me, it will help a lot, when you have to get up at night. 🙂 PS. And yes, the housework can wait! LOL! Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
I follow your blog on google friend connect. Molly B. meoleme@yahoo.com
I put a comment on the 4th grade student being allowed to wear a knife on him at school. Molly B. meoleme@yahoo.com
I left a comment on the Do You Buy Generic post. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
Left a comment on the Boudreaux's Butt Paste post. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
Left comment on the In High School What Did You Want To BE..Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
I left a comment on the Made In America The Way it Should Be .. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
Tip: Always dress your baby in one more layer of clothing then you wear. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
I follow your blog.
I commented on the 4th grade/knife post.
I entered the Tyson giveaway.
New Mom Tip 1. Prepare Early – When your baby decided to come can be the first challenge! I have had all mine late, but many mothers end up earlier then their due date, and sometimes quite unprepared and they were sure they had several weeks to go. Be sure to prepare your hospital bags early so you have everything you'll need that first day at the hospital!
New Mom Tip 2. What to pack – When considering what to bring to the hospital be sure to bring something comfortable for you to wear for several days as well as clothes for your husband, hygiene products, and several cute outfits for your infant. Camera is probably already at the top of your list, but you may want to also bring an ipod, dvd's, your laptop or netbook, or other ways to entertain yourself and your spouse. One really fun part of bring home baby is that special going home outfit you get to pick out! You may want to have a preemie option as well as many babies don't even fit the newborn clothes really well that first week.
New Mom Tip 3. Take pictures – Keep your camera within arms reach and be sure to snap tons of pictures! Capture that first outfit, your newborn loaded into the carseat for their first car ride, as well as pictures as they begin smiling, cooing, and their sweet newborn yawns!
New Mom Tip 4. Research – After the baby is born you will be bombarded by many things the doctors will want to do for your child. It is a good idea to research this topics so you know which of these practices you will be okay with. Some of these include hearing screens, immunizations, PKU test, and circumcision for boys.
New Mom Tip 5. Ask for help! Nights with a newborn can be very difficult as a newborn may cry often and want to nurse all night for comfort. Be sure to have someone (or two) on hand to help you when you are exhausted and just can't hold the baby to comfort them any longer.
New Mom Tip 6. Take it EASY! If you overdo it in the first several weeks you may very well end up with mastitis or a breast infection. Taking on too much can also extend postpartum bleeding.
New Mom Tip 7. Breastfeeding – Breastfeeding is so very difficult in those early days. You and your baby are both learning for the first time how to achieve proper latch and you may end up dealing with chapped nipples, along with many other potential problems. Don't hesitate to ask for a lactation consultant before you leave the hospital to get help and answer any questions you might have.
New Mom Tip 8. Have a GOOD nursing bra ready! Nursing bras making nursing so much easier! While your size while change quite a bit the first 2 weeks, be sure to have at least one good nursing bra on hand to get you through the early days. You will also want a stash of nursing pads, high quality cloth pads can be purchased online and are so much more comfortable then the disposable alternative.
New Mom Tip 9. Have baby's area set up – The first several weeks to months with your new baby you will likely want them really close to you for all those middle of the night feedings. Have a bassinet or play yard set up in your room or nearby if your nursery is across your home. You should also set up a changing station near the baby's bed including diapers, wipes, and changes of clothes for middle of the night diaper changes!
New Mom Tip 10. ENJOY your time!!! Newborns grow up WAY too fast!!! I am already in complete shock that my newborn is nearing 2 months old!! Treasure all those early days, even when they can be rough. Before you know it your newborn won't be much of a newborn anymore and you will miss those teeny tiny fingers and toes you spent your days staring at!
Tip – Avoid overfeeding your baby. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
Hi There, I would love to have a chance to win a bottle from Playtex! I follow your blog! Heather Lyons littlejs_mommy@yahoo.com
Commented on the 4th grade student being allowed to wear a knife on him at school. Heather Lyons littlejs_mommy@yahoo.com
I entered the Tyson Any'tizer contest, Heather Lyons littlejs_mommy@yahoo.com
Left a comment on the AHHHHH! It's Christmas post. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
Left a comment on the Gift Cards and Kids do NOT Mix post. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
Left a comment on the Kindle from Amazon.com post. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
I left a comment on the $1 Toys for Tots – Coupon Mountain post. Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com
Tip – Try to take a little time out from baby (when you can) for yourself, it help you so much! Paula C. paulasue39@yahoo.com