If you’ve read my blog before, you know that my son is ADHD. I’ve blogged about it before. As you may know, people with ADD or ADHD have a difficult time focusing on a task at hand…difficult time making a decision, etc.
For Christmas, my lovely mother in-law (whom I love dearly) got my children a Target gift card. They were ecstatic. Me? Not so much. I knew what I was in for. I also knew that there was NO WAY I was taking the kids to Target a lone. My husband was going too and he was taking our son to pick out his toys…been there, done that before and trust me, no amount of alcohol could make me sane for a trip to the toy aisle with my son. He is there forever and God help us if he happens to notice a red tag on the toy. Red tags mean clearance and clearance means more for your money a.k.a more toys you can purchase.
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My daughter and I picked out her toys right away. She chose a Pillow Petand an R2D2 toy (R2D2 is her favorite). For the next hour and a half, we wandered through Target, randomly checking on the toy department only to hear “Zachary you do not have enough money for all of that. You need to pick one of the big things and one of the small things. That’s it”. I know it’s mean, but I couldn’t help but giggle. I was SOOOO glad that wasn’t me dealing with Zack and his gift card!
Finally, Zachary made a decision. he chose a Pillow Pet and a Star Wars figure. Thank goodness! We could finally leave Target!
So, lovely mother in-law of mine…if you are reading this…could we maybe not do a Target gift card again? Or Toys R Us…I don’t think there is enough Xanex in the world for me to deal with Toys R Us and a gift card!
Oh but the Stride Rite gift card…that one ROCKS! The kids are getting their sparkly Sketchers that we refused to buy at the beginning of the school year and they are so excited!
Oh how I feel you! My son is pretty good at knowing what he wants and we can be in and out within 10 minutes!
But my daughter, well, she's a SMART shopper, and at 7 she's already trying to figure out how to get the most out of her giftcards! She would go back and forth for hours if I let her, lol!
I do hope that smart shopping sticks, for when she's older : )
Isn't it great when the dad gets to go through this lol I hate going through this..I wouldn't ever get a gift card for a child..poor parents that feel like pulling their hair out. lol Paula