I absolutely LOVE Avon. Their Sonic Boost mascara is my all time favorite mascara and worth every penny. I love Avon so much, I’ve often considered becoming a consultant. Note to self, talk to hubby about this later!
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One of my most favorite things about Avon is their mission to help women. Avon Foundation for Women provides grants for various organizations that help end breast cancer and domestic violence. Here’s a little about the Avon Foundation from their website:
The Avon Foundation was founded in 1955 with the goal of improving women’s lives, and today we are proud to be the largest corporate philanthropy dedicated to women’s causes globally.
Our current dual mission supports breast cancer research and access to care, as well as addressing domestic and gender violence. Avon philanthropy has also responded in times of major global disasters, most recently to the earthquake in Haiti.
Through 2010, Avon global philanthropy has raised and donated more than $800 million worldwide, changing and saving lives across the country and around the world.
I recently was given the opportunity to try out two new wonderful products by Avon. The first one couldn’t have come at a better time! Avon’s Style Play Gloves allow you to text, play with your iPod touch with their fingerless glove. But once your finished, just fold the mitten top back down warm those fingers back up! The Style Play Gloves feel soft like cashmere, but are actually made of 100% acrylic, making them very affordable and easy to clean! The Style Play Gloves retail for $14.99.
I’ve said before that I love Avon’s make-up. This next product I’ve been given the opportunity to try is just as awesome as all the others. Avon’s 12-in-1 Shimmering Eye Palette comes with 12 different eye shadows ranging from light to dark so all you really need is this one palette to get through your day. Start your day with light, neutral eyes…but when you’re ready to go out at night, you can add a little of the darker shades to your eyes to smoke things up a bit. My favorite colors are the plum colors. They work best with my blue eyes. I’ve never had dark, bold colors before so I really don’t know how to do the smokey eye look. I was thinking, since my 4 year old has the same color eyes and skin as me…maybe I can try it out on her first. Kind of like one of those Barbie Styling Heads! Just kidding…OK so I’m not, but hey, it’s mother/daughter bonding! The 12-in-1 Shimmering Eye Palette retails for just $20.00!!
Head on over to Avon.com to check out their awesome array of products. What would you like to buy?
LOL at the idea of using your daughter as a test head. It's like playing dressup right? I know I always wanted to play with makeup when I was that age.