If you remember, I am trying to lose weight. I’m sick of being the fat chick. So today, after dropping my son off at school, I headed to the gym with my daughter. Put her in daycare and away I went. I started out on the bike…the one that has the back on the seat. I have bad knees and that’s what they always started me out on during physically therapy so I figured I should probably warm my legs up on something “safe”. As I sat there pedaling, I began to look around. I was the youngest by at least 20 years. Next to me there was an older man, probably around 80, with a cane trying to figure out how to get on the stair climber. My heart literally felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I was genuinely scared for this man. He could barely stand on two feet WITH a cane…how was he going to manage a stair climber? He got up there, but after a few steps, he half fell, half climbed off the machine. Thank goodness!
After the bike I went on the elliptical. Mainly because Regis and Kelly were on and I wanted to watch. Plus I wanted to start out with 30 minutes of cardio, so I did 10 minutes there before heading to the various leg machines. My lower half is my main problem area, so I figured I would start there today. It wasn’t long before I began to really feel how out of shape I really was. But I stuck with it and finished up with 10 minutes on some cardio machine called The Arc. I would like to rename that machine “The Ultimate Ass” machine.
It is now 11pm, 14 hours after I worked out and I am sitting here with a bag of frozen peas on my left shin, a bag of frozen mixed veggies on my right shin, and a bag of frozen carrots on my right knee.
Tomorrow will be better….right???
WTG on taking the first step! It will get easier! The first few days or even weeks you will be asking yourself can you really do it! BUT YES YOU CAN!! Keep pushing and don't give up!
woohoo! You can do it!!!
Tomorrow will be better…..Don't give up! Plus you have veggies for dinner. (snicker)