Since I have a lot of time on my hands right now and just laying around, I got to watch the entire Today Show. I was stoked! I never get to watch just 5 minutes of the Today Show, let alone the whole thing! Well, after watching the segment with Hoda and Kathie Lee, I can honestly say I think I’m better off not tuning in to their hour.
The first thing I notice was that Hoda seems to be very embarrassed of Kathie Lee’s behavior. That was apparent within the first 5 minutes. I really felt like I was watching Kendra today. Nothing against Kendra. I love her show. I think she’s funny…she’s real and she doesn’t get caught up in all that “I have to look, act, dress a certain way just because I’m famous” crap. However, if you’re going to be a host on the Today Show…sorry Kendra…you have to act a little more polished and a little more professional.
At one point, Hoda and Kathie Lee are talking to a woman about different outdoor exercise gear. They’re looking at pair of blue and green running shoes that the woman told them is about as close to running barefoot in the winter that you’re going to get. Hoda touches them and says “so they’re pretty lightweight then?” and rather than keep her mouth shut, Kathie Lee has to chime in with “well not as much as some are”. If I was that lady on the show presenting all that gear, I would have been irritated with Kathie Lee’s comment. It looked very awkward for all three of them, especially when Kathie Lee realized she had a “insert foot” moment. Here’s a clip of the segment I’m talking about:
I would be really interested to see what the ratings are for that particular hour of the Today Show. I’m thinking they could better spend that money somewhere else. Either that or do a “Where in the World is Kathie Lee?” and send her off somewhere and make her find her way back to New York. I’m sure that would send ratings sailing!
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I thought the same thing! I saw that particular show for the first time in ages.
Following from Momdot…:) Happy Friday!