Did you know that 3 out of 4 children are not properly secured in their car seats, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. I know that probably sounds astonishing, but in all honesty, it’s really not. I can think of 3 people I know that don’t properly secure their children in the car. Whether it be the car seat is not tight enough when attached to the LATCH or they have their children in a booster seat before they really should.
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There is one company out there, Sunshine Kids, who has made it their mission to make sure that the owners of their Radian and Monterey Seats have the proper install instructions. To do that, they have put together a the “official Sunshine Kids Car Seat Information“. Definitely check out their link. They have a lot of good information on there. The most interesting information is about the rigorous testing Sunshine Kids did when it comes to side impact crashes. Which, did you know that while most car accidents are front or rear end crashes, it’s the side impact crashes that end up being more deadly for our children? Sunshine Kids have developed side impact protection for their car seats.
I would really like you take a look at the video I post below. Both of my children are in high back booster seats and have been threatened daily that they will go back to a harness if they keep unbuckling their seatbelts before I tell them they can. There was one time I was on the highway and I looked over at the car next to me, and their child (probably about 6) was bouncing all over the backseat. At first glance, it looked like the mom didn’t even realize her kid was out of his seat. But with the product in the video below, no parent will ever NOT know their child is unbuckled again. Check it out!
So, after viewing the video and looking at the website on car seat safety, what do you think?
I have always wonder if I have my children secured correctly. I think I do, but then I see things that bring more attention to this fact and I wonder. Thanks for sharing this as I feel it is VERY important to know more about car seat safety!
My daughter is almost 5 years old but only weighs about 32 pounds. She is in a Britax Frontier with a 5 point harness. She will remain harnessed until she's at least 45 pounds. She will probably be in first grade before that happens. Almost all of her friends in preschool are in booster seats using a seatbelt. She really wants to be in a booster too but she's so much safer in a harness. We're not ready for this product but I think it's a great idea. I remember unbuckling my seatbelt as a child. I'm sure it would only take once or twice for the alarm to go off for the child to stop unbuckling.
Thank you for posting this!
We have a Sunshine Kids Radian car seat and it will keep my daughter safely 5 pt harnessed until she is at least 60 lbs, unless she gets too tall before that. So far she is 5 pt harnessed, 36 lbs and 4 years old.
Stephanie, I know others in Lizzie's preschool that are Lizzie's size or smaller already in booster seats! Lizzie is a big 4 year old so lots of them are less than 35 lbs and in booster seats. It breaks my heart! So not safe!
Thanks for sharing this. I do have my kids car seats installed properly, but it is always good for a refresher.
Thanks for sharing, I'm all about car seat safety! I just moved my 5 year old into a high back booster from a 5pt, she was just entirely too big for the 5pt now..
Yeah – great topic. I think we're good (we did a carseat safety check a few times before).
I once did a check and realized mine wasn't safe, so this information is vital.
we've always been pretty fanatical about carseat safety but having large/long/heavy/tall kids makes it hard. Shae is 3 1/2 and is soon going to outgrow her britax blvd because of her length, time to do some research.
Thanks so much for posting this! I always worry about the car seats, and feel like I never have them right! Also, I have never heard of this car seat company… can't wait to learn more.
Thanks for sharing! I always worry about my kids seats! Thanks for sharing this company as well (never heard of em) I'll have to check them out, I need new car seats for both my girls!