As if finding out I am diabetic and insulin resistant has not been ENOUGH of a lifestyle change, let’s throw in a CPAP machine and totally mess with my life. Yes I’m aware that I am being overly dramatic, but come on already. I find out I am diabetic and insulin resistant right before my 30th birthday and then shortly after that my doctor starts talking about the possibility of having sleep apnea.
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I did an at home sleep apnea test where I had to put a tube in my nose that was connected to a pager type thing that basically measures the amount of times I stopped breathing while I was sleeping. The next morning you call in your results. Well apparently I have moderate sleep apnea, according to the tube and pager, but I really think the at home test is not all that great because the way the tube is in your nose, if you move just a bit, then I’m sure you can plug up the holes in your nose making it seem like you stopped breathing. But at any rate, I now have to go in and do a sleep study at their office. Which kind of freaks me out. Some of the questions ask me if I am claustrophobic…which I’m not…but still…why are they asking that? Do I have to sleep in a tube? Will there be a two way mirror wall with people watching me sleep? How creepy is that? I’m probably envisioning the worst, but still.
Then to top it off…I have to be there by 9pm and asleep by 9:30 pm…without any type of sleep aid. I haven’t been asleep by 9:30pm since…like…middle school. When I asked the lady if I could bring a book to read to help me fall asleep she said it was OK but then said “you do realize this is a sleep study and you do need to be asleep for us to get results”. Um. Yes you idiot, I do realize that, but do YOU realize that some people don’t go to sleep THAT early? EVER?
I am SOOOOO not happy with this. At ALL.
You poor thing! I would die if I had to be asleep by 9:30, I am more of a midnight, 1:00 am girl. Take the most boring book you can find and hopefully you can doze off soon.
I actually have sleep apnea and I found that falling asleep at the place was pretty easy. I thought it would be hard too, you'll be surprised. I hope they find out for sure either way. Good luck!