…drive mommy to drink.
OK so before you go call CPS, I’m not really drinking. I’m diabetic, remember? That would SO not be good for my blood sugar. But I am drinking a lot more Diet Mt. Dew…my drink of choice these days.
First night daddy was gone, my daughter decides it is a GENIUS idea to stick her spoon down her throat in an effort to make her “thing swing back and forth”…you know the uvula…or as I like to call it, the hangy do thing. Well you can guess what happen…she puked all over the table. I don’t handle puke well. Especially when I am eating left over Chinese. Left over Chinese and puked up hotdogs….blech.
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That same night my son decides to see how far he can stretch certain body parts. Let’s just say…pretty far. I am so horrified that I had to experience that show. What is it with guys and their penis? Seriously? Constantly touching it to make sure it’s still there…annoying.
Night two…if I didn’t bring out the alcohol that night…oh man what a night. Luckily all body parts stayed under wraps and no one puked, but boy were they WILD. I didn’t think I would ever get them to calm down and go to sleep. The words “suck it up and go to sleep” may or may not have been said. But thankfully they went to sleep and stayed asleep…until Bella came in my room to tell me a joke at 4am.
Thank goodness daddy is coming home tomorrow. Even though Night three went really well…I’m ready to have another adult in the house with me. I don’t like to be out numbered!
That is hilarious!!!
I've been through weeks like that when my husband travels. Funny in retrospect, but so hard at the time! Hope your hubby is home soon.
Sorry you had such a horrible time, but you gave me a laugh! 😉
Oh my! It sounds like you guys have had some fun. I swear those seem like stories that would be on my blog. Well, except the body part one…my son hasn't really discovered his yet. LOL
I'm with you, and don't like to be outnumbered. Life is much better when there are two parents home with my little lunatics!
boys and their 'parts' are gross and they NEVER grow out of it!! lol
LMBO!! Love it 🙂
LOL You poor thing! WHy is it kids only act like that when dad is gone?! One time he left and by noon the kids had cut eachothers hair at the scalp and one tried to drink bleach I didn't even know I had!