A Kindergartner at Ross Elementary in Houston, Texas brought a loaded gun to school. As the child sat down for lunch (at 10:35am…who eats lunch THAT early???) the gun fell from his pocket and fired. Luckily only 3 children were injured, including the little boy that brought the gun to school…and thankfully no one was seriously injured. Most just had scrapes and cuts from either the fired round or pieces of the tile on the floor.
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Apparently they are still trying to come up with a disciplinary action for this little boy. Ideas being tossed around by the district include possibly being sent to an alternative school for up to 180 days. Depending on the nature of this little boy, I don’t know if that is the proper discipline. I mean…if he is usually a REALLY good kid who just made a really stupid decision, then I think they need to look elsewhere for discipline. If anyone should be disciplined, it’s the parents. First for leaving a loaded gun where a 6 year old can get a hold of it and second for not checking their child’s backpack before he heads off to school.
This isn’t the first time there has been news stories about young children bringing loaded guns or other weapons to school. I honestly think, unless the child is sitting there threatening other kids and telling them he’s going to bring a gun to school and shoot them, the parents of young children like this that bring guns to school should be charged. If you are going to have a firearm in the house, at least be responsible enough to keep it locked up where your kids can’t get a hold of it. Thank goodness in this incident, nothing serious happened…but it could have completely gone the other way.
So I am completely, 100% with the parents in the article that state that the blame lies with the parents of this little boy. There is just NO excuse as to how a 6 year old was able to get a loaded gun into his backpack without anyone in the house noticing. Stupid parents like that don’t deserve to have children.
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