DTE Energy has got to be the WORST company out there. I mean the absolute worst. Not only are you NOT able to get anyone on the phone when you have a problem, but when you do get someone on the phone, they are incredibly rude to you. I cannot stand that. I don’t know who the heck they think they are that they can speak to me, their customer, the way they do.
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Where I live, my power goes out ALL.THE.TIME. And it’s not the city that loses power all the time. It’s my street…just my SIDE of the street. Do you know how frustrating it is to look out your window when it is 80 degrees (and rising) in your house and your neighbor across the street has power? Let me tell you, it is VERY frustrating. Guess why this happens…DTE screwed up. My side of the street is wired to a pre-existing neighborhood that is already over the amount for that particular circuit (or whatever they call it in DTE speak).
One year we lost power the day before Christmas Eve. We didn’t get power back until 4 days later. We had to move ALL of our presents out of our house and to my inlaws house and stay there…over Christmas. Which I didn’t mind staying there, but I like to wake up in my house on Christmas morning. After the Christmas incident, if a drop of water so much as fell from the sky, we would lose power and we would lose it for hours (or days) on end.
When I finally spoke to some tool person high up at DTE, he told me that DTE was fixing our problem and their “fix” was to put a switch in. If our power went out, it would trip the switch and our power would come back on…if it couldn’t stay on, it would go back out and so on and so on for 3 times before it just stays off. Right away I could see the problem with this “fix”. What happens to our appliances while our power is going on and off? DTE has a recording that says power surges are not good for our appliances and to unplug our major appliances if we lose power. But how is it OK to have the power trip on and off repeatedly in a short amount of time? Guess what his answer was? Oh believe me, this is a good one. He said…are you ready for this???
Oh really genius? Then why do you want us to unplug the appliances when the power goes out then? Really?
As of right now, I have no power. I am typing this post from my parents house that is literally a stones throw from my house. Do you think that DTE Energy has an estimated time of restoration for me? Of course not. Their workers have been out “assessing” the damage for the last 10.5hours and they’ve come up with NOTHING.
I could go on and on about how much I despise DTE Energy. Funny thing happened though…a market researcher called my parents house requesting someone to do a survey about their current energy provider. Guess who volunteered to take the survey! 😉 Take that DTE!
UGH!!!! I"m sorry! I hope you get it back on soon!
That's just inexcusable, especially in this day and time of high tech. Sorry you have to go through this. 🙁