For as long as I can remember, I have always collected things. When I was little it was stickers. I had a sticker book and my friends and I would get together and spend hours trading stickers. I specifically remember a friend having a puffy sticker that had a colored gel inside it…I wanted it so bad. But there was nothing I could give her to make her trade it. When I became too old for stickers, I started collecting Vokeswagon Beetle cars. That collection started when I was around 14 and I vowed that one day I would have a VW bug…and I did! That was the first car my husband and I had. I still miss that car, but with two kids…not very practical.
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Now that I am older and have a house of my own, I may not collect stickers or Vokeswagon Beetle cars anymore, but I still collect things. I now collect camels. I have camel figurines, a camel bell (though when I ring it, no one comes running…hmmm may need to work on that), camel Christmas ornaments, etc. My most favoite camel figurine is called “Camels on Parade” and it is a handcarved figurine with 3 camels stacked on top of each other. Inside the belly of each camel is a smaller camel. It is very unique!
My collecting habits have rubbed off on my children. My son collects Pokemon cards and my daughter collects rocks. I am forever finding rocks in her pockets and when I go to throw them outside she yells “no that’s for my collection mama”. And even though I get annoyed at having to dig rocks out of my washing machine, I can’t help but smile. My kids collect these things because it’s what they see me do. And they are both very proud of their collections, as I am of my camel collection.
Collecting items also gives you something to talk about. People are forever asking me about different camels I have and what got me started collecting them. Compton & Woodhouse, a well known site filled with various collectibles and figurines, is a good resource to look at if you are wanting to start a collection or if you are looking for a piece to add to an existing collection. One of my favorite things that Compton & Woodhouse sells is collectibles having to do with the recent Royal wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William. Whether you are looking for Royal Wedding toasting flutes, Royal Wedding pill boxes, or trinket boxes, Compton & Woodhouse has it all, allowing collectors to add unique pieces to their collection or gift givers the opportunity to give a truly unique piece of art.
What do you collect? Was there something you collected as a child? I never collected it, but when I was younger people were always collecting Garbage Pail Kids cards. Leave me a comment and tell me what you collect or collected!
I collected stickers when I was younger, made my Mom get me a subscription to Stickers magazine, and I remember having a bunch of Stuck on Stickers books! To this day, when my kids bring home a Scratch and sniff sticker it gives me flashbacks of collecting years ago!
I moved on to Pigs, don't know why exactly, but I have alot!
My daughter loves to collect Snow globes, giving her a new one makes her sooo excited! My son was big on Bakugen for awhile, but now since he's turned 12, nothing really sticks for more than a few weeks!