Last night I stopped at Kroger’s to pick up a plant for my son to give his teacher since today was the last day of summer school. It was slim pickings, but I found an adorable hydrangea plant. I took it up to the register to pay for it and the few other items I had and walked out to my car. It dawned on me that I paid a little more than what I had thought I would be paying. I pulled out the receipt and I did pay more. I paid $8.88 for the hydrangea and it was marked $4.00. I turned around and walked back into the store. You see, in my state we have what’s called “The Michigan Scanner Law“. Basically, with this law, if an item is marked one price, but rings up another, you not only get your difference in price back, BUT you also get 10 times that difference (up to $5.00). So as I walk back into the store, I figured I would be getting close to $5.00 back for the difference and $5.00 for the scanner law.
I walked up to the customer service desk and showed the woman (Linda) my receipt and how the plant was marked $4.00. She looked at me, looked at the receipt and then started rubbing the price tag sticker on the plant. I thought that was weird, but whatever. She then called the manager (Kelly) over to tell her what was going on. Immediately Kelly had an attitude. She looked at me and Linda and said “she can have the difference back, but this is not apart of the scanner law”. I looked at Kelly and told her that it most certainly is part of the law and I even brought up the website to show her the scanner law information. Her voice began to rise louder and louder, people at the registers started looking at me and I was humiliated. But what Kelly did next really pushed me over the edge. She said:
“I suppose there aren’t any others over there marked at $4.00? Is that sticker on there good?”
I began to see what they were insinuating and I didn’t like it one bit. I looked at Kelly and said:
“I do not like, for one second, what you are insinuating. I picked up the ONE plant, walked to the register and paid for it. That is it.”
She smiled this smirk of a smile that I seriously could have smacked right off her face and told me that I am not getting the scanner law for this item and then what she did blew my mind. She looked at me, told me we were done and walked away! What kind of store manager walks away from their customers…especially when their customer makes it CLEAR that they are unhappy and makes it CLEAR that they don’t like being accused of being a thief…because that’s exactly what she was insinuating. She was insinuating that I changed the price tags.
But fine…let her walk away. Because I then told her that she can consider herself reported. Because not only did I write a LONG letter to Kroger telling them exactly how I was treated in one of their stores, but I also clicked on the report link on the website when a company refuses the scanner law. I don’t know what will come of this, but I at least hope Kroger’s makes her life miserable for the way she treated her customer.
Horrible customer service! I hope you are notified of any action they take on your complaint (and that you tell us about it).
Oh I will definitely update once I know more. I was floored. I couldn’t believe I was being treated like that. And for her to say that it is not covered under the scanner law WHEN I had the website pulled up, was just ignorance on her part.
But it was the way I was treated that has me so upset.
I HATE Kroger. I went to them with a printed coupon that I got for a review (free item) and they refused it because it was printed. I’ve only gone back to their store once since because I was getting a birthday cake for our son and it was super close.
Their customer service sucks and they feel that they can treat their customers like dirt.
I would have told them to refund you all your money and given all the products back and walked out.
Wow that had to be frustrating!
OH my gosh, I would have FLIPPED out on her! What a *!@$!!!!! So sorry you were treating so badly. I hope that she will get in trouble for how she treated a customer.
How horrible. I would have been livid!!!! I hope that manager gets in big trouble from corporate!
I despise the Kroger in Lansing, its horrible. The people, customers, are rude and the store is dirty and smelly. The prices don’t compare with Meijer either so I am not a fan. The store is too small to be in downtown Lansing.
Hi there, would you mind emailing me what ended up happening in your situation? I found this article because h&m refused to give me my $5 from the scan law when they clearly were in the wrong. I would love to hear if anything came of your complaint! Thank you!!