I absolutely LOVE Yoplait yogurt. In fact, my day doesn’t start until I’ve had one. I buy them in groups of 20 when I go grocery shopping…not only because I like them, but also because I get a $2.00 off my next shopping trip Catalina coupon (gotta love coupons)!
But what I like MOST about Yoplait is the fact that they want to help fight breast cancer. They do this by donating ten cents per pink lid on Yoplait yogurts. If’ you’ve stepped foot into a grocery store recently, you’ve probably noticed the sea of pink in the yogurt section! Simply purchase Yoplait yogurt with a pink lid, eat it, save the lids and then send them in by December 31, 2011 to help fight breast cancer! Don’t feel like mailing them in…well guess what, you can redeem them online at www.yoplait.com! It’s really that simple! As if that wasn’t enough, Yoplait is also tracking zip code where the lids are sent in from and the money will go directly to local breast cancer programs in YOUR community!
How would you like a coupon to save $0.30 on ONE Yoplait yogurt?!? Now you may think I am a nerd for think this is awesome, but if you shop at a store that doubles coupons and you hit their sale…you may just get this yogurt cup for FREE! Who doesn’t like free stuff? Go here to print your coupon.
Thanks to Yoplait and My BlogSpark, I received a super awesome prize pack…but guess what…YOU CAN TOO!!! Read below to see what you can win and how to win it!
This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only please. You MUST complete the mandatory entry FIRST before any additional entries will be accepted. Please leave each additional entry in a NEW comment.
Mandatory Entry: Follow my blog via email AND google friend connect.
Additional Entries:
- Follow Diaries of a Domestic Goddess on Twitter
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- Put this giveaway as your facebook status (one entry per day, unlimited)
- Stumble any post on this blog (leave me the link to the post you stumbled)
- Comment on any post that is not a contest post (leave me the link to the post you commented on)
- Blog this giveaway linking to both Yoplait.com and Diaries of a Domestic Goddess
This giveaway will run from today (9/12/11) until September 25th. The winner will be chosen using the plug-in And The Winner Is. Once the winner is determined, an email will be sent and the winner will have 48hrs to respond to the email or a new winner will be determined.
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