Yesterday my kids have their Tae Kwon Do graduation. I was super nervous for this one…mainly because Zachary had to break a board to pass this time. He had two chances…one with a Forward Elbow Strike or with a Round Kick. Dan told me that Zachary’s chance was with the Forward Elbow Strike because it is extremely difficult to break the board with a Round Kick.
It didn’t matter to me how he did it. The thought of him hitting the board with any part of his body freaked me out. I thought for SURE we would end up in the ER having his arm splinted. He’s so skinny. The idea of him hitting the board with his arm…the arm with barely any meat on it…you see where I’m going with this???
He nailed his form, did great at sparring and then came the board breaks. I literally held my breath while I watched him line up the boards and then ask permission to break the two boards. Here’s the video I took of him:
He did it!! He broke the board! I was so excited that I forgot I was videoing for a moment! And the best thing about him breaking the board…he did it with the Round Kick…the harder of the two ways! This was HUGE self esteem booster for him! He can’t wait to take the boards to school and show all his friends!
Leave him a comment…I’ll read them to him later! He’ll be so excited!
That was awesome! Can totally see why you are proud. 🙂