I am one sad mama right now. For quite awhile now my son has been coming home from school and when you ask him how his day was, he says “horrible”. Now if you know my son you would know that he is a child that is full of life, has a laugh that starts all the way at the tips of his toes and you can’t help but laugh with him (even if you’re trying to discipline him), and he is an all around good kid. Sure he likes to push the envelope with me, but what kid doesn’t do that with their parents? At school he is a model student. Follows the rules to a T. Sometimes too much.
So he’s been coming home telling us his day has been horrible. Why? Because two kids in his class are picking on them. Correction. They are harassing him and bullying him. Day in and day out they find things to do to him in the classroom when the teacher isn’t looking…things like poking his arm repeatedly, pushing him out of chairs, calling him names, or making fun of his picture folder. Things have escalated and they are now punching him and tearing his clothes. Yes you read that right. They have torn TWO winter coats. We are taking them to a tailor to be fixed and you better believe that bill will be handed over to their mother…will she pay? Who knows. At any rate, his coats have to be fixed.
We’ve talked with the principal and the teacher and they are supposed to be talking with these boys mother. Have they yet? I don’t know. After Zachary came home today and told us that he was punched in the face and the stomach, I immediately asked him what happened to the boys. Guess what his response was…go ahead…guess. I bet you won’t come up with the answer. Ready?
They were placed on the wall.
Placed on the wall. What the heck does that do? And why in the world were they not sent inside for punching? What happened to the “we keep our hands to ourselves” rule? What happened to the “we don’t tolerate bullying” rule? I about hit the roof when he told me their consequence. So of course I immediately emailed the principal and the teacher and the principal emailed me back that he will talk to the boys tomorrow. Again…what the heck? I get that there is nothing he can do right now, but why does he not know this happened? Oh wait…it’s because NOTHING WAS DONE WHEN IT HAPPENED.
My thing is…why are these kids allowed to be on recess? Why are they allowed to sit in the cafeteria? Make them sit in the office to eat. Make them sit in the office during recess. If they can’t treat others right, they don’t get the privilege of eating lunch with their friends; they don’t get the privilege of running free on recess. It should be taking away. Plain and simple.
Ugh if you’ve read this far, thank you. I just had to get this all off my chest. Bullies suck. Look at this sweet face…how could you bully him?
Poor Zachary! He looks so sweet in that photo. I hate bullies, but it’s great that he’s talking to you about it and not keeping it to himself – that way you can stand up for him.
Bullying is a fear of mine and I don’t stand for it at all at the playground when I take my youngest. But at least I can watch out for him there. My oldest is in school and we haven’t run into a complete bullying situation yet. But we send him to Catholic School (and yes, there are bullies there too!) – and he got hit in the stomach before but the teacher definitely punished the boy who did it. So some satisfaction there, KWIM?
I’m so sad for you and your little guy. You know what I’d suggest? A meeting at school with the mother of the boys, you, the teacher and the principal. Enough of wondering if the mother of the boys has been talked to, enough of wondering WHAT was said. Me, I’d want to talk to THAT woman face to face! Grrr, I’m so angry for you right now!
I have read your whole post! Bullies suck! I am sorry you are going through this!! Just know, that the people who bully- karma bites you in the a–.
I’m so sorry your son is going through this. We went through it last year with my son. After our first meeting with his teachers, the bully told my son that he would kill our whole family if he was disciplined (these are 5th graders)!! Needless to say, the administration was forced to take action and the bully was sent to alternative school for most of the year. I would be harsh on the teacher and principal. That behavior should not be accepted and your son should not have to spend his school day worrying about it. Maybe you should remind them that punching someone and tearing their clothes is considered assault anywhere else.
That is horrible. Our school system has a no bullying policy. When my son, who has autism, was being bullied on the bus I made one email to the vp at school and it was corrected that day. It was as simple as changing the seating on the bus, but now no one is upset. He can’t control his talking due to his autism. It was difficult for some children to understand. They would get angry because he wouldn’t stop. Then the bullying. They moved the children and placed some friends near him. Worked out great. But if he had been punched the children would be suspended, immediately. I’m sorry your school is not doing their part, but if I were you I’d be up there talking to the principal to decide what will be changed on Monday. They need to fix this now!
Oh, my heart hurts for your sweet son! 🙁 And my mama bear instincts are just raging because I can only imagine how you must feel. I’m a pretty reasonable person, but I’m sure they would have gotten a visit from me by now at the school. I know you will stand your ground and do whatever you have to do to protect your son. I applaud you for being so reasonable about it.
That is one thing I’m not looking forward to when my kids start school. It seems that kids are a lot meaner these days than they used to be, too.
Good luck!!
Poor baby. I really don’t like bullies. I was bullied and I’ve been cyberbullied. Both as a child and as a young teenagers. I still get bullied occasionally, and it’s not fun.
I am so sorry. Give him a great big hug for me. No child deserves this treatment. I hope that it get’s better for him soon.
However, I can honestly say that the bullies made me stronger. I have thick skin today and I am a very strong person. Those nights that I cried myself to sleep have made me a stronger person. Did it hurt? Heck yes. Sometimes I felt like all that I wanted to do was die. (that’s another story though) But I learned to stick up for myself. And today I’ve been known to yell at 6’3 guys who have been bullying other kids.
I can’t stand bullies and I am SO angry for you and your son.