I couldn’t have been happier last night as the clock struck midnight and I watched Jenny McCarthy make out with some man in a uniform…is it just me or did she look like a total whore on national television? She did the same thing last year. Only I think it was a military man…in uniform…she must have a thing for men in uniforms. Then again, don’t we all?!?
2011 was the worst year of my life. I’m not kidding. It started out bad and midway through, my husband lost his job. I really don’t want to rehash the crappiness that 2011 was, but let me say…2012 is going to be an awesome year…I can just feel it!
I really hate the word “resolutions”. I don’t really know why…could be because I never generally stick to the resolutions I make. But this year will be different. Know why? This year I am not making a SINGLE resolution. Not one! Instead, I’m making goals for 2012. So without further ado, I give you, my 2012 goals!
- Be Happier. I let too much crap from 2011 weigh me down and I’ve become very hardened and bitter. So for 2012, I’d like to be happier and a lot less bitter (notice how I said “a lot less”…that way if I am still bitter, I still make my goal!).
- Lose weight. This past February I found out that I was diabetic. Since then I’ve lost 50lbs. However, I still have another 50lbs to lose. So in 2012 I would like to lose as much weight as possible. More importantly, I would like to just get healthy and stay that way. My ultimate goal is 50lbs, but to be quite honest, I’ll be happy if I lose 30lbs!
- Make a rag quilt. For Christmas, my kids and husband got me fabric to make a rag quilt. I. Cannot. Wait. To. Start! If I do a good job…some people may just end up with rag quilts for Christmas this year!
- Get organized. I want a place for everything and I want to teach my kids to make sure that when they use something, they put it back.
I definitely have other goals and ambitions for 2012, but these four are the main ones I would really like to accomplish.
I hope 2012 is much better for you and your family. I also want to see that rag quilt when you are finished and will hold you to it!! 🙂
I will definitely post pictures when I am done!
Great goals! I wish you the best of luck in 2012!
Oh, and Jenny McCarthy…so silly! Even though he was kinda cute ;^)
yes he was definitely cute! But then again, so are most men in uniform 😉
Good luck Leah! These all sound like completely doable goals. I hope 2012 is a better year for you. (and yes, Jennie did look like a whore…she’s so odd! lol)
it was awkward to watch her, in my opinion. And the way she had her hair back looked like she had massive receding hair line. It was odd.
So sorry to hear that 2011 was such a crappy year for you. Hopefully 2012 is much better!
Thank you! I hope you have an amazing 2012 as well!
The 50 lbs you have already lost is fabulous! One of the big reasons I want to lose weight is that I know I am risk for diabetes. Sounds like great goals!
thank you! Being diabetic is scary. Take care of yourself.
Happy New Year to you!
Great list Leah! I’ve been working on #4 for at least 5 years. I think I’m getting closer. LOL!!
Happy New Year Leah!!!
I swear, when we buy a new house it is going to be all tricked out with kick butt storage and organizational stuff
Those all sound like wonderful goals to have. I especially like the one about making a rag quilt. I love making things, and I love to see what other people have made. Can’t wait to see yours!
I will definitely post pictures when I’m done! I just need to find time to get started!
I have a lot of the same resolutions. I also want to better handle our finances, we want to work to pay our house off early.
Happy New Year, and here’s to an amazing 2012 for you!!!
Finances should also be our goal since things are so screwy right now.
Happy New year!
I didn’t have a great 2011 either, looking forward to a fresh start this year! New follower 🙂
<3 Nicole
I think I can pretty much borrow your list except for making the rag quilt (’cause that is not gonna happen). Happy New Year!