Not to long ago I told you about how the bullies are winning at my son’s school in the oh so great PCCS district (yes you can read that with sarcasm…). Basically my son has been bullied and harassed ALL year long. And here’s the kicker…because the principal hasn’t witnessed it himself, that means it didn’t happen and his “hands are tied”. Yes I almost hit the roof in his office when he said that to me. That attitude RIGHT THERE is exactly why children are KILLING themselves as a result to being bullied. Makes me sick.
So last night we were sitting at dinner and my son told me that his jacket was ripped AGAIN…we just repaired TWO different jackets that these kids ripped. I looked at the jacket and asked my son what happened. Basically it was at the end of the day, the teacher was helping another student and the bell rang. One of the kids grabbed the arm of my son’s jacket, pulled on it and shoved him out of the way. As a result, Zachary’s jacket ripped along the seam. I about hit the roof.
I did what any pissed off mother would do…I emailed that mother. When she went off on my husband in the school parking lot she made it quite clear that she wants us to come to her from now on. So I did. But I also CC’d the principal and the teacher. I’m no fool. Of course she didn’t respond. But I didn’t really expect her too. However, the principal did. I half thought that after having his jackets ripped repeatedly AND on top of ALL the times we brought it to his attention what these kids are doing to my son, it would be the “proof” he needs to actually do something about this. But I was sadly mistaken. Instead I received and email from him stating that the boy denied doing it, but he would talk to him at lunch recess to further try to get to the bottom of it.
Do you think he talked to him at lunch recess?
Of course not. My son said that the boy ran outside and play anyway.
What in the heck does this teach the bullies? I’ll tell you what it teaches them. It teaches them that it is OK to do whatever you want…just don’t get caught.
What does it teach the victims of the bullies? It teaches them that it’s OK for someone to hurt them physically; it teaches them that it is OK for someone to destroy their property; but worst of all, it teaches them that school is not a safe place for them.
That last part makes me sick. So sick that I am looking into getting a lawyer and if me going to the school to try and rectify this situation doesn’t work, maybe just maybe a lawyer can get things taken care of for me. A friend of mine recommended that I make demand that these boys need a parapro to watch them every second they are in school. No way do I expect the teacher to become their personal babysitter. She has 20 other students in the class that her responsibility is to teach them and it is just not possible for her to watch two kids 100% of the time. So if kicking them out of the school is not an option, then they need their own personal babysitter.
It’s a shame the mother won’t step up to the plate and be a parent to her children and take charge of the situation. But unfortunately I don’t see that happening…ever.
Don’t ever give up! (Not saying you would) and I know that our situations are quite different, but I’m fighting with the public school about enrolling Jillian. I’m not backing down because I KNOW there are other parents out there that would just say “oh, ok.” and walk away. I am so very sad, AND ANGRY for your whole family. This needs to stop. Hell, it shouldn’t have even started.
YES — definitely keep up with it … don’t be afraid to be the squeaky wheel. That is your job as a parent!
You are your sons best advocate. If your voice is loud and still not being heard, bring in someone who may better understand the system. I would get a lawyer in your case without batting an eye. I may also call a local news station to bring attention to it. I hope you have copies of all of the emails. It is sad that when we have example after example of the tragedies that can come from a bullying situation not dealt with that your sons district is taking this approach. Shame on them. Don’t stop fighting!!!!!!!
This disgusts me. If the school district spent more time and money protecting the children and actually caring for them we would be in a much better place. But no! They don’t care at all. It makes me sick. Hang in there mama!
Your school system is very different from mine, since ours was sued for not protecting a child. After that they got real good at it. But you need to escalate this to the school board or get the lawyer. I doubt you need more than a letter from the lawyer to get things going. The lawyer could CC your local news outlet too. That gets people jumping. You could also see if there are any child advocates in your area, they possibly could help too. Good luck with this.
I am still in shock that this happened AGAIN and it is being swept under the rug like nothing happened. Unbelievable!!
The squeaky wheel gets the grease…keep being a squeeky wheel! Your baby is worth it.
P.S… need to ask Lynsey (Moscato Mom) what she did to end her daughter’s bullying. I wanted to hug her!
I am SO sad for you. You might want to stop talking to the principal, document all your conversations, and bring all your information to your own school board AND the state board of education.
I know you understand this, but you are the only one who can truly be counted on to stand up for your children, and I’m so glad you’re not letting this go.
I’m so sad and angry for your son that he even has to deal with this and the school is not taking the situation seriously.
Lawyer up! Protect your son because the school damn sure isn’t.
I honestly do not get why the principal has done nothing, but talk to the children and send a note to the parents. This has been going on ALL school year…had he been a little firmer and shown these kids who’s boss and running the school, we wouldn’t necessarily be here at this point. But now we have an even bigger problem.
AHHH I hate politics of the public school system! Keep on pushing them, eventually they will crack!
I’m glad you did this followup. I had been thinking about your original post and was wondering what the lastest was. Still not the happy ending I was hoping for but maybe that’s yet to come. Thanks, do keep us updated!
I really hope you find a resolution for this and soon. It is so frustrating when other parents think their kids can do no wrong. One of the reasons bullies continue to bully is that they can lie straight faced to their parents, and mommy and daddy believe every word the little brats say. Those kids think they can get away with anything, so they push the limits every day, knowing they have parents who trust them, when that trust is not deserved.
I just don’t get how parents can be so blinded and can take that “it’s not my kid” attitude. For Pete’s sake, I’d love to think my kids are perfect, but they aren’t and if someone says they did something, I’ll check into it, but in no way will I totally not believe it happened because it’s my kid.
So glad I found this site. and not surprised to find this site. We are in the same district and my 10 year old daughter – was told by her teacher last week (when she was trying to tell the teacher that a bully was picking on her) that she was “always the first to tell” and today my daughter goes – “What am I supposed to do when people are picking on me Mommy and the teacher thinks I am a tattle tale? ” What should I do? I feel like I have already called and filed endless complaints and we are going no where. The sad part is most of the kids are joining in on the bullying and the teacher has shrugged it off most times according to my daughter – I am really worried for my daughter’s welfare. Why even have all of these “Anti-bullying assemblies”? I feel sick right now.
That is horrible. I would contact the board office. A good board member to talk with is Mark Horvath. He an help you get in contact with the appropriate people.
Please let me know how things turn out for you. Feel free to contact me via email (located on the “contact me” tab on my blog)
Good luck.
Thank you so much for your support – of course she came home with another bullying story today and I still have not heard from the principal. I will email you as soon as I talk to the appropriate people.
Yes please email me. I am curious what school you’re at. I’ve been hearing things about one particular school in our district and I have this feeling you are at that school. If I can help in any way, I will do what I can.