I don’t know about you, but I STILL have to get creative when it comes to feeding my kids. You know, when they’re little you do things like cut their sandwiches into the shape of a dinosaur just to get them to eat it. While I don’t have to shape their food any longer…more like I refuse to…I still have to figure out creative ways to get them to eat it. My favorite is to make them a smoothie. I can shove all kinds of veggies into their smoothie and they have no clue! I even put spinach in their smoothie before!
But there are some days when I just want them to eat a bowl of cereal and drink a glass of milk. Short of turning the milk a different color…there really aren’t that many creative things I can do with that meal. Or so I thought! As a mom who literally cannot stand the taste of milk, I am forever trying to get my kids to drink it because I know they need the calcium and vitamin D that a glass of milk offers. One of the easiest ways to get them to drink some milk is to have them drink what is left in their bowl from their cereal. I don’t know about your kids, but mine seem to ALWAYS spill that milk all over them. Well General Mills solved that problem by adding the new Curvy Straws to specially marked Big G cereal boxes so kids can slurp up the remaining milk with a fun straw that they can put together themselves!
As if that wasn’t great enough, General Mills through My Blogspark, provided me with 2 Glow Cups. Now if you’re like me, you’re probably thinking that these cups glow in the dark…but not in the sense that you are thinking. Rather than having to “charge” under a light for a few minutes, these cups have a button on the bottom that you can push and they will flash a few different ways in purple and green! How neat is that? So not only am I able to get my kids to drink the milk on the bottom of their bowl, but they are always begging for a glass a milk to drink out of their “disco” cups (their new name for the cups).
General Mills and My BlogSpark also provided me with a super awesome Spilt Milk bowl (that my kids are ALWAYS wanting to use…we have to do the whole “think of a number between 1 and 10 to auction it off for the day), a box of Big G cereal and a couple tangle toys. One lucky reader can win the exact same prize pack (pictured below)! Read below for details!
This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. You MUST complete the mandatory entry FIRST before any additional entries will be accepted. Please put each entry into a new comment.
Mandatory Entry: What creative things do you do to get your children to eat a wide variety of food?
Additional Entries:
- Follow Diaries of a Domestic Goddess via email
- “Like” Diaries of a Domestic Goddess on Facebook
- Put this giveaway as your status (one entry per day)
- Follow @DGoddess on Twitter
- Tweet this giveaway (one entry per day)
This giveaway will run from today (April 16, 2012) until April 29, 2012 at 8pm EST. One winner will be chosen at random using the “And the Winner Is” plug in. The winner will be sent an email and they will have 48 hours to respond to the email or a new winner will be determined. Once I have your shipping information, I will submit it to the sponsor.
Good luck!
Disclosure: The prize pack, information, and giveaway have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.
beg and plead… wait, is that not creative?
i mix it with mac n cheese and i also make carrot muffins
tcogbill at live dot com
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tcogbill at live dot com
I let my son dip his food in anything he wants – ranch dressing, ketchup. He will try different things if he can dip them into something he knows he likes!
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cut them up into fun shapes
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i let them help make art projects on their plate debbie jackson
devyjackson at hotmail dot com
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debbie jackson
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Is bribery creative? Just kidding…sort of. I usually introduce new foods along with foods I know that they like. Then everyone is required to eat a certain number of bites of the new food before they can have their favorites. Sometimes it takes a few tries before people start to like a new food. My 13 year old (who used to be super picky) now includes sweet potatoes and zucchini in her list of fave foods!
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I offer yummy dips, still use cookies cutters for fun shapes, and try to get my oldest involved so he wants to eat what he’s created.
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I follow @mommastacia. Thanks!