As most of you know, my husband was laid off this past August. We immediately entered very scary and choppy waters. What were we going to do? We had to small children and no money coming in. So I did what any person would do, I started looking for a job. When I tell you I applied for 100’s upon 100’s of jobs, I am not exaggerating in the least. Not only did I apply to all of those jobs, but I went on a TON of interviews. Everything about those interviews seemed very pointless to me. Shoot…I was asked questions about high school and college experience…I’m in my 30’s. It’s been a long time since I was in either high school OR college. They just seemed like very irrelevant questions. Until I went to my interview for Marketplace Homes.
At that interview I was asked a wide variety of questions…none of which I would call your “typical interview” questions. I loved it! The atmosphere in the place was one that was very relaxed, fun loving, yet you saw nothing but the hardest working individuals all around. I knew I just HAD to work there. I remember thinking halfway through my interview “please hire me, please hire me, please…” to the point that I had to ask the woman interviewing me to repeat what she had said…and guess what that was…”why do you want to work here?” Shoot. There goes my chances of getting the job. I knew nothing about real estate (other than the fact that I was TOTALLY upside down in my home) so I said the only thing I could thing of…the thing that I thought for sure was going to cause her to file my resume in the circular file…
“Well, I don’t have a well crafted out response to that question. To be quite honest…I wasn’t looking for a job. My husband was laid off and my family needed me to find work. I’m a stay at home mom…that’s all I’ve ever been. But what I do know is, I’m a VERY hard worker and I give everything my all”.
But what was said next had me almost jump over the table and hug the woman interviewing me. She said “well I have to think about this a bit…you should be getting an offer letter by the end of the day. If you want to work here, sign it and send it back”. WAIT. Did she just say there will be an offer letter in my email? Well what do you know? It looks like I just got a job!
The many months I’ve worked there have been amazing. Besides the super awesome bonus opportunities and the yummy smoothie Friday’s, the fact that I went from staying home with my kids and only having really one other job besides that, to working full time outside of the home was scary. But I was not only greeted with open arms, I was also able to grow as a person and find a different side of myself that I didn’t know existed. That was huge.
About two weeks ago my husband started working again (YAY!), but he is basically working in another state. He leaves on a Sunday night or very early Monday morning and he doesn’t get home until late Friday night. Due to that kind of schedule, I had to make a VERY hard choice. I had to decide whether or not I was going to stay working. I tried to make it all work, but there are literally not enough hours in the day to get everything done that needs to be done or be the kind of mother to my children that I need or want to be. So I had to give my job my two weeks notice. It was very hard. I couldn’t even look at my boss. I just handed the letter and told her, with tears in my eyes, to read it. She knew, before opening it, what was inside.
I’m hoping that one of these days I can go back to work again. But that can’t happen until Dan’s travel schedule changes or my kids are much older.
If you’re interested in finding out more about Marketplace Homes and how they can help YOU move out of your current home and into a new build home, check out their website at and tell them Leah K. sent you!
((hugs))) I’m so happy for your family that your husband has a new job but I’m sorry you have to quit yours. I’ve been applying to the same number of jobs and like you getting no where with pointless interviews.
It really sucks leaving a job that you really like but you’re doing what’s best for your family and in the end that’s all that really matters!
It’s so hard to leave a good job, especially one with good people and working for a good company! But I think anyone would agree you have to do what’s best for your family, and I think you’re doing just that. (((hugs)))
Big ((HUGS)) You do what is best for your family. It’s hard to be stuck in a spot like that.
I have loved reading about this whole process from you getting the job – loving the job – and then agonizing over having to leave. Sounds like you had a fantastic group of co workers! I was in the same boat when I was in apartment management and now SEVEN YEARS LATER I still miss that job and the people LOL Hugs
It sounds like you are doing the best that you can for your family. That is what is important. Who knows what is going to happen down the road.
I think you made the right decision! Your family needs you and you need them.
Wow. Congrats to your husband. I’m sorry that you had to quit your job 🙁 My Dad was gone from Monday morning to Friday night, too.
Ohh this is very bittersweet! It sounds like your boss was amazing.
Definitely bittersweet … I want to hug and congratulate you at the same time. This was a sweet way to pay tribute to your awesome employers.