A friend of mine just took a job that has her packing her bags and moving far away…to England! While I have to admit I’m less than thrilled that she is moving that far away…what an amazing opportunity for her! So being the kind of friend I am, I started looking up everything she needed to know about such a large move…things like what to do, what to see, where to shop. Let’s face it, when moving to a new place (especially another country) we HAVE to have our priorities straight and knowing where to shop is pretty high up on the list of what we need to know. Am I right or am I right?
Of course, as I’m googling where to shop, I am also googling coupons that she can use while she’s there. Remember, I like to save money as much as possible…especially now that I am the CEO of the Household again. Right away I found that she could use Feel Unique vouchers, which is a great site that not only ships to directly to her, but it also ships worldwide (hint hint…you can by your friend a nice “I’m leaving you” gift from abroad)! She can use these online vouchers in the same way she would use printable coupons here in the U.S. And again…the whole point is to save money!
Now there are plenty of sites she wants to see when she first gets to England…Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Windsor…and while all of those places sound absolutely amazing. My number one thing I would have to do (and probably spend the entire day doing) is try to make a Royal Guard laugh. Yep. You read that right. Out of all the amazing things I could be doing in England my first day there, I would choose to spend it doing my little rendition of Sir Mix-A-Lot’s “Baby Got Back”. I’m sure that would crack a smile on one of them. And if all else fails…I’ll have Dan sing to the guard. That will definitely crack a smile on their face and not only make their day, but mine as well!
That is good to know that they ship worldwide–my daughter in law is from England and I am sure she misses some of her English treats. I’ll have to check them out!
Aww that must be hard to see a friend move. I love that we can stay close through technology. Your a good friend to look stuff up for her.