This past weekend I attended Brandcation: Blog Cabin (check out our cabin here) and one of the places we visited was the Hollywood Wax Museum in Pigeon Forge, TN. From the moment I secured my ticket to Brandcation, I was looking forward to the wax museum. I even posted a wax museum bucket list.
**Thank you Marketplace Homes for sponsoring me for this years Brandcation: Blog Cabin conference. If you think you can’t move, think again…check out today!
Maryanne from Matthew’s Puzzle and I had an hour to spare so we headed to the museum. Like I mentioned above, I had a list of people I wanted to take pictures with. I was very excited when I rounded a corner and saw the following sign:
Could it be?!? Would I get my picture taken with my favorite sparkly vampire?
Do you see what I don’t see? Kristen Stewart hurt Robert Pattinson so much with her cheating scandal that he up and left the wax museum. So I did want any Robert Pattinson fan would do…I punched Kristen…and I liked it! Apparently they are back together, but I don’t care. I think that is all a publicity stunt since the last installment of the Twilight series is in theaters next month.
While it would have been nice to see Robert Pattinson, the top person on my list was Will Smith. I absolutely LOVE Will Smith. I was pleasantly surprised how great his wax figure looked! They were all good, but some looked more like the actor than the others. What do you think?
We had a blast running through the museum, taking funny pictures with the different actors we saw. Here are a few of my favorites:
Who would you most like to see at the Wax Museum?
**I was provided with a ticket to the Wax Museum. All stories and opinions are solely mine and were not influenced at all.
OMG you are so funny. I’d like to hook up with… errr… take a picture with Adam Levine… *swoon*
I would like to see Channing Tatum a la Magic Mike at a Wax Museum. If they could animate it, it would be even better!
Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my face.
That’s better.
Will Smith is awesome too. Definitely a fine piece of wax. Did they mention how much time and effort goes into each figure? I’m curious!
I did not get to speak very much with the people at the Hollywood Wax Museum because they were VERY busy (it was a Saturday), but here is a link from their website about making a wax figure…it takes 7 artists and several months to make: